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RE: (TV) FW: From Richard Lloyd -- Warning -- Hadron Accelerator turned on in Switzerland
But where's the countdown to the party???????????????????????????
But seriously folks, I work for the RHIC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RHIC)
at Brookhaven National Laboratory and we had to deal the same ridiculous
theories and we didn't blow up the world 8 years ago. Shame on London Times
and other world / US media outlets for perpetuating such for BNL and now LHC.
It is always fun to think about black holes, alternate universes and other
enticing possibilities, but the ignorant public carries it too far.
I enjoyed Richard's response, thanks Leif.
Henry Biedenkapp
> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:59:57 -0400> From: andy.fekete@gmail.com> To:
tv@obbard.com> Subject: Re: (TV) FW: From Richard Lloyd -- Warning -- Hadron
Accelerator turned on in Switzerland> >
http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/> > On Thu, Sep 11,
2008 at 1:30 PM, leif joley <leifjoley@hotmail.com> wrote:> > This is so
incredibly funny and intelligent that I am finally able to forgive> > Mr.
Lloyd for that "Radiant Monkey" record!> >> > /Leif J, Moscow> >> >> >> >
From: Lloyd206@aol.comDate: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:37:38 -0400Subject: From> >
Richard Lloyd -- Warning -- Hadron Accelerator turned on in SwitzerlandTo:> >
richard@richardlloyd.com> >> >> > Dear friends,> >> > I have recently returned
to writing for Solasishock.blogspot.com, and plan on> > continuing as best I
can. It is an immense project, basically my own effort> > to recapitulate the
entire Gurdjieff teaching, using both ancient and modern> > sciences.> >> >> >
By the way, WARNING! the Hadryron accelerator is now operable. Many people> >
fear that this will create a black hole that will eat up the earth. Since> >
that is statistically comparable to a large asteroid hitting the earth, it is>
> a possibility, so as a scientist I will begin warning people:> >> > A black
hole has an event horizon of gravitational pull so strong that not> > even
light can escape, so if you see something you can't see you had better> >
start running. As you run away from the black hole the center of gravity will>
> shift from the center of the earth to behind you, so you will begin to feel
as> > if you are falling backwards. So you will have to lean forward to run as
if> > you were running into a hurricane force wind. Your best bet to run at a
450> > angle, which is about the limit of the human ankle. Because of the
Fitzgerald> > contraction your mass will increase as your length decreases so
you'll become> > shorter and fatter as time slows. But even though time slows,
it will not> > seem too slow for you, but only for someone on the other side
of the earth> > who's clock has not been affected by the black hole yet. You
had better run> > quickly because pretty soon as the event horizon pulls you
in, you will start> > to look like a pancake with little tiny legs. Having
little tiny legs and> > huge mass and looking like a pancake, it will be much
harder to run.> >> > Therefore if you see something that you can not see you'd
better start> > running, and since you can't see what you can't see and nobody
can see a black> > hole, everyone on earth better start running now, as fast
as they can. If the> > black hole sinks to the center of the earth, you'd
better start jumping as> > high as you can. The same general facts apply, so
you'd better jump higher> > than an Olympic jumper if you want to escape. In
fact, sadly, the human being> > cannot generate enough energy from its legs to
achieve escape velocity, but if> > you manage to do so, make sure you take a
nice deep breath before you reach> > the stratosphere, because the air will
thin and pretty soon you will be in> > outer space. Unfortunately, in outer
space, with no gravity or barometric> > pressure, the oxygen in your blood
will begin to boil and you will begin to> > expand until you explode. If you
can match your jumping exactly with the> > Fitzgerald contraction, you might
last a few centuries, relatively speaking;> > but according to your own
wristwatch, you're a goner in seconds.> >> > Just thought you might want to
know.> >> > This is an opt in mailing list. If you wish to receive no further
newsletters> > from Richard Lloyd, right back with the word remove, and your
e-mail address> > will be removed from both the mailing list and Richard's
private e-mail> > address book.> >> >> > Psssst...Have you heard the news?
There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest> > fall trends and hair styles at
StyleList.com.> >
_________________________________________________________________> >
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