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Re: (TV) FW: From Richard Lloyd -- Warning -- Hadron Accelerator turned on in Switzerland
- To: tv@obbard.com
- Subject: Re: (TV) FW: From Richard Lloyd -- Warning -- Hadron Accelerator turned on in Switzerland
- From: "andy fekete" <andy.fekete@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:59:57 -0400
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to :subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type :content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references; bh=JjWPU6r1+pehdKub4ZDg6wmIvPRG23qz6fa3c4/pcqQ=; b=pn8espQAL1CbgDHQ2fQvDCFKj8BnLJUZT8vMYs3a2QKGttZaoyGgvFQwWAtR53Nxho WJ3nO6EWh+MT2d8wbjzZeKWArtfnZg1VuUYMLFMml77GW8UEXXmWsF3valEdmBJeNv85 GJ3GZ89Qn6Lv6ZH4DlDvtrjjFWksLEDWdrNfI=
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version :content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition :references; b=g1uWp2N6RukY1+D3XQW4KM+scbK1nr1GzV3PWVBHbZbM26ERVHApyuLRApeb2SQU9x /jU0I7FgIQeBxWnVOXbU8/5+trZfaXk4+fVrymI9Z4thU0Vx5qzp6V4t2ILlRSziPems t4Roy2qxXCbtq4QZGpB+JskGKjtBM6d8HqyK8=
- In-reply-to: <BAY102-W8FA41AD40AA75A1B36A96BC560@phx.gbl>
- References: <ca9.33da01f2.35fa6b12@aol.com> <BAY102-W8FA41AD40AA75A1B36A96BC560@phx.gbl>
- Reply-to: tv@obbard.com
- Sender: tv-owner@obbard.com
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 1:30 PM, leif joley <leifjoley@hotmail.com> wrote:
> This is so incredibly funny and intelligent that I am finally able to forgive
> Mr. Lloyd for that "Radiant Monkey" record!
> /Leif J, Moscow
> From: Lloyd206@aol.comDate: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:37:38 -0400Subject: From
> Richard Lloyd -- Warning -- Hadron Accelerator turned on in SwitzerlandTo:
> richard@richardlloyd.com
> Dear friends,
> I have recently returned to writing for Solasishock.blogspot.com, and plan on
> continuing as best I can. It is an immense project, basically my own effort
> to recapitulate the entire Gurdjieff teaching, using both ancient and modern
> sciences.
> By the way, WARNING! the Hadryron accelerator is now operable. Many people
> fear that this will create a black hole that will eat up the earth. Since
> that is statistically comparable to a large asteroid hitting the earth, it is
> a possibility, so as a scientist I will begin warning people:
> A black hole has an event horizon of gravitational pull so strong that not
> even light can escape, so if you see something you can't see you had better
> start running. As you run away from the black hole the center of gravity will
> shift from the center of the earth to behind you, so you will begin to feel as
> if you are falling backwards. So you will have to lean forward to run as if
> you were running into a hurricane force wind. Your best bet to run at a 450
> angle, which is about the limit of the human ankle. Because of the Fitzgerald
> contraction your mass will increase as your length decreases so you'll become
> shorter and fatter as time slows. But even though time slows, it will not
> seem too slow for you, but only for someone on the other side of the earth
> who's clock has not been affected by the black hole yet. You had better run
> quickly because pretty soon as the event horizon pulls you in, you will start
> to look like a pancake with little tiny legs. Having little tiny legs and
> huge mass and looking like a pancake, it will be much harder to run.
> Therefore if you see something that you can not see you'd better start
> running, and since you can't see what you can't see and nobody can see a black
> hole, everyone on earth better start running now, as fast as they can. If the
> black hole sinks to the center of the earth, you'd better start jumping as
> high as you can. The same general facts apply, so you'd better jump higher
> than an Olympic jumper if you want to escape. In fact, sadly, the human being
> cannot generate enough energy from its legs to achieve escape velocity, but if
> you manage to do so, make sure you take a nice deep breath before you reach
> the stratosphere, because the air will thin and pretty soon you will be in
> outer space. Unfortunately, in outer space, with no gravity or barometric
> pressure, the oxygen in your blood will begin to boil and you will begin to
> expand until you explode. If you can match your jumping exactly with the
> Fitzgerald contraction, you might last a few centuries, relatively speaking;
> but according to your own wristwatch, you're a goner in seconds.
> Just thought you might want to know.
> This is an opt in mailing list. If you wish to receive no further newsletters
> from Richard Lloyd, right back with the word remove, and your e-mail address
> will be removed from both the mailing list and Richard's private e-mail
> address book.
> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest
> fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.
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