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(TV) Can Anyone Answer These Qs

I asked these 2 Questions on the "Carried Away" site but got no replies 
so I'm trying the MM list.

After receiving several cd-rs from members of the "Carried Away" site 
some came with no identification except a paper sick-em postum with 
show date; on a couple of my copies these postums either fell off or where part 
of the original master , which got sent on to next person.

It's still my fault 	that I sometimes wasn't conscientious enough to 
mark my copies with the date of the show.  Nevertheless, can anyone 
answer the following:

a) I have an unmarked cd-r of a 2001? 2002? 0r 2003? Television show
 in which "Marquee Moon" starts and then after about 4 seconds Tom 
abruptly stops the song, the audience groans, and Tom says, 

****"It [the tempo] was too slow." ****** 

Then after about 8 -10 seconds the band starts the song again and finishes it.  

Which show was/is this: Irving Plaza MARCH 21 or 22, 2003; Irving Plaza March 2002; 
Chicago Metro 2001, or none of the above? 

b) Another unmarked cd-r of mine may be the Minneapolis 1992?1993? show.  

Can anyone tell me anything about stage banter from TV that would allow 
me to identify if its Minneapolis? [Note:  since many Television shows of 
1992 and 2002-2003 have almost identical order for set list of songs, 
it's hard to use song order as a clue.] 
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