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Re: (TV) OT: What I'm listening to

At 7:12 PM -0700 6/2/03, Philip P. Obbard wrote:
- Pere Ubu, TERMINAL TOWER ... I've had this for years, but I've become
obsessed with "Cloud 149" suddenly

That *is* a beautifully twisted song. The guitar tone is so tinny, the vibrato rubbery, and the whole thing strange. Plus there's that "here she comes/there she goes" that shows up later on Dub Housing... You've done it, I'm going to have to go back to the Datapanik box.

Otherwise, I've been listening to these:
* In the car, Stereolab's _Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night_. Mostly sticking to even-numbered tracks (and having edited out the "Dancing Queen" coda to "The Free Design"), it's a winner.

* Glenn Branca, Symphony No. 13, Hallucination City. Bootleg--when's the official recording coming out? It's stunning, and the fact that it was recorded on June 13, 2001 at the WTC makes it resonate all the more. You can get a brief taste of it on his site.

* Charlemagne Palestine, Schlingen-Blangen.  71 minutes of church organ drones.

* Tim Berne, The Sevens. Through-composed and very Berne-like; the sections edited by David Torn are on the verge of a revelation.

* James Tenney, Selected Works 1961-1969. The early tape and computer pieces still sound contemporary. The deconstruction of "Blue Suede Shoes" was my reason for picking this up, but damn, there's some amazing stuff here.

Maurice Rickard
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