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Re: (TV) <no subject>
From: Maurice Rickard <maurice@mac.com>
Reply-To: tv@obbard.com
To: tv@obbard.com
Subject: Re: (TV) <no subject>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 09:20:59 -0500
and why am I not cool enough to partake in
their robust flavor?
You may not be cool enough, but your lungs and those of any
bystanders will thank you.
Maurice Rickard
On the subject of smoking, its always stunned me how some singers can smoke
like a chimney yet still retain some sort of a singing voice. I'm not a
smoker, but on the odd occasion that I get too sloshed to know the
difference between right and wrong and smoke a cigarette or so, I usually
don't have a singing voice for two-three days afterwards.
Eh. Guess you get used to your surroundings.
Have a good weekend, folks.
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