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Re: (TV) Sorry
i don't think a huge discussion is such a bad
we (meaning the world, i guess)haven't been embroiled
in something this immediate & vast in a long while
(tho it's been lurking for decades) & we need to be
examining the ramifications of this, all of us...not
just allowing our politicians to make & enact
i feel vocally outnumbered lately & i feel a definite
urge to get my thoughts/feelings on this subject
heard...whether this is an appropriate forum, i
suppose it's not for me to say...but these are crucial
& desperate times & one of the many things that binds
fans of groups like tv (at least i like to think) is
that we wonder/worry & wanna know/explore major issues
like this....
--- "Philip P. Obbard" <pobbard@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't mean to start a huge discussion on
> this subject. I would never
> go so far as to call the US flag a symbol of
> repression, etc., either. All I'm
> saying is that our actions have consequences. Jay is
> right - if you don't catch
> them, then we're bound to see a repeat show. It's
> just a question of degrees.
> If you do catch them, but you kill thousands in the
> process, we can't be
> surprised when the repeats occur. Likewise, we
> pushed Iraq out of Kuwait but
> our troops never left the area, and that's why Bin
> Laden (if he's the guilty
> party) is so pissed. If we catch Bin Laden, but
> leave troop deployments in
> Pakistan, Uzbekistan, etc. for future security, will
> it create new Bin Ladens
> in other nations?
> Ok, I'm done.
> --Philip
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- References:
- (TV) Sorry
- From: "Philip P. Obbard" <pobbard@yahoo.com>