Not exactly a glowing review
Lol On Jan 18, 2022, at 11:24 AM, Phil Obbard <> wrote:
In an interview with Melody Maker in September of 1974, Lennon talked about seeing Television on TV.
"On TV next came a group called Television, and Lennon sat fairly transfixed. Television are so bad they're good. They can barely play their instruments and they are very short of money; they're young and dressed in rags. But they have a spirit that's irresistible, and John immediately identified them as a parallel with the Beatles in their Hamburg days. "Yeah, I can relate to them, they're exactly as we were. Skint and loving every minute. They sound terrible but they're ok!"
What did Lennon say? For anyone who is interested in downloading this...
An amazing find (and the source of John Lennon's 1974 comments on the nascent Television, apparently!)
Does anyone have the ability to grab the clip straight off YouTube? Before it gets deleted again! I’d love a copy of it (better than my attempt referred to below). Seems you need YouTube Premium? This says the performance was in May of 74…………………….. Great find and thanks for the download. Kiek My friend who is a Television nut (he was at a lot of '75-'77 shows) sent me a note a few minutes ago about a video clip on Youtube, on an account called The Underground Tonight Show. There were about 20 episodes, so it took me a while to find the one with Television. While it was playing I tried to grab the YouTube link, but it wouldn't let me, and then the YouTube account got deleted right afterward. BUT, the clip was still in an open window on my iphone and still played. :-) So, I played the clip on my iphone and used my wife's iphone to record it! Sorry for the shaking of the clip, but I was holding my hands as steady as I could. A fascinating clip! Here's a link to WeTransfer so you can download and watch it:
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