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(TV) Links to Download: my Fixed, Improved "March 29, 2014-The True Complete Ver. (& With Boosted Levels & Edits)"
- To: <tv@obbard.com>
- Subject: (TV) Links to Download: my Fixed, Improved "March 29, 2014-The True Complete Ver. (& With Boosted Levels & Edits)"
- From: "Leo Casey" <LeoCasey@comcast.net>
- Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 13:39:44 -0400
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=comcast.net; s=q20140121; t=1427650769; bh=B+39ah8/Xa4oPQsvtu2KnHa9+MXDpYYAowDk0Vxd3f4=; h=Received:Received:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version: Content-Type; b=ua+e151744ndohrRMr13N0uXhPphX06f4PCmMLIev8F5hAP093Jxiy1mKLB7+OET4 cjamr6SFMmJFZzziyOWYvDiDk7hHnWdu0+NUW2y2JJJk2tiZ0mgR55tfaOFROnni9o Y+cfaCW132k9fnH2qUnihgmkGD50sD2z2GAprbmdcjjaDRLojwfo6AlQWtRuR+MV6Y Gw9XLn4yd6ZXZQ1k/2qYSSeG+vrChFTdorepGPOvF63ViJ2uja02TKVMmPamit/Mgm 6N7hh3/Dqj3TF8edtAQoMbRTPG8FcfWRXJP7aIXkScXWu4IdG5uWYYvZ6COXdcfYyf q2hksw9p6r4Zg==
- Reply-to: tv@obbard.com
- Sender: tv-owner@obbard.com
- Thread-index: AdBqR1gLXmokYvJ6TJ6ZLjelBQg+6Q==
Probably the best recording and performance of the 2013-2014 Tour.
Note: Hopefully, the MM Mailing List won't accidentally scramble the
original formatting of all of the sentences/links below.
Summary (condensed version) of this recording's tortured history. I believe
that this is one of the most heartfelt performances ever given Television
(especially by Verlaine), and one of the best-sounding recordings in
existence. This is very likely because Verlaine loved the old Tennessee
Theater's acoustics, and it really inspired him to great musical heights.
After the second song, he says, 'We're ... we're real glad to be here; it's
really fun to play in these good-sounding, old theaters.' (Also see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_Theatre and
http://www.tennesseetheatre.com .) The concert itself consisted of 12 songs
(13 if you count 'Swells' as a separate song). A version of the March 29,
2014, The 'Big Ears' Festival, Tennessee Theater, Knoxville, Tennessee
concert was first put on DIME on March 30, 2014 by Seeder, Randy Bayer aka
'FunkItBlog' (hereafter referred to as Bayer). Unfortunately, this was an
Incomplete Version that was missing all of the first six songs and missing a
bit more than 7 minutes of an 11 minutes 'Little Johnny Jewel', but this
Randy Bayer DIME Version possessed excellent audio-quality (practically
A second version of the March 29, 2014, The 'Big Ears' Festival, Tennessee
Theater, Knoxville, Tennessee concert was put on DIME on May 23, 2014 by a
Seeder named Jerry but going by the moniker, 'The_Govner' (hereafter
referred to as 'The_Govner). It contains all of the concert's 12 songs;
however, 'The_Govner' 's original recording has inferior sound quality
compared to Randy Bayer' 's first DIME version. E.g., it has a great deal of
bad skips/jumps/ticks throughout the recording; many of them were more than
mildly irritating-they seriously degraded (at least to my ears) what was an
otherwise remarkable performance by the band. These bad skips/jumps/ticks
were especially evident on the last 4 songs: a 21-minute 'Persia'; a 15
minute-plus 'Marquee Moon'; 'Guiding Light'; and 'Psychotic Reaction'.
'The_Govner' 's original intension [see her/his Torrent notes, albeit
skimpy] was to replace her/his inferior (pock-marked with bad
skips/jumps/ticks) last four songs with the first DIME, i.e., R. Bayer's
superior versions of these songs. However, I determined that 'The_Govner'
never double-checked her/his supposedly hybrid-recording before she/he
uploaded it to DIME in May 2014. Instead she/he uploaded all of her/his
(poor quality) versions of all of the 12 songs!. I positively verified 'The
Govner' 's mistake: 1) by comparing both versions' acoustical
'fingerprints'; and 2) by carefully comparing Verlaine's in-between-songs
conversations/banter with the audience on the last 4 songs on the Bayer
Version to Verlaine's conversations/banter on 'The_Govner' 's upload to
DIME. There had been specific Verlaine banter details that were NOT on the
superior R. Bayer's last 4 songs; yet these details appeared on 'The_Govner'
's uploaded Version.
So, 'The Govner' somehow really screwed up by forgetting to replace her/his
last 4 songs with Bayer's superior last 4 songs! To make matters even worse,
the loudness levels (dbs) of 'The Govner' DIME upload were incredibly low,
robbing Television's original performance of good dynamic range, and causing
a poor signal-to-noise ratio.
I decided to rectify this depressing situation by making four major changes:
(i) Replaced the last 4 songs of 'The_Govner' 's DIME Version with the last
4 songs of the R. Bayer DIME Version. But why stop with just replacing these
last three?!!? Why not replace all of 'The_Govner' 's versions of songs
whenever there exists a R. Bayer version of that same song-title. So, (ii)
Replaced all of 'The_Govner' 's versions of songs with Bayer's versions
except, of course, for the 6 and a half songs missing from Bayer' 's DIME
upload; (iii) Removed (via Audacity) all of the more serious
skips/jumps/ticks from the 6 and a half songs that only existed on
'The_Govner' 's Version for which there were no Bayer version substitutes;
and (iv) Very judiciously (and laboriously! : > ) ) increased the loudness
level (dbs) of each song independently and by its own optimum amount, using
a three-step process via Audacity in conjunction with TotalRecorder-a very
accurate audio-playback/recording software-with TotalRecorder in its
amplitude-spectrum graph' full-viewing mode. Note: In step (iv), for the
final encore, 'Psychotic Reaction', best audio results required that this
song, combined with the audience's post-song applause/screams, be first
broken up into three separate Pieces, and then their three loudness levels
changed independently, before re-joining them into one contiguous track.
Keith, as usual, has supplied some wonderful artwork.
Final Lineage of first 7 songs: Recorded by Jerry aka 'The_Govner' -> Awia
CM-TS55 (1-point stereo mic) -> Tascam DR-2r Recorder (48 k samples/sec with
24 bits/sample) -> SDHC soundcard -> PC -> WavePad -> TLH -> FLACs -> FLAC
Frontend -> Wavs -> Then Leo via Audacity boosted each song's level by its
own optimum amount -> via Audacity's Edit mode removed tiny amounts from
'problematic' places (i.e., skips/jumps/ticks) in recording -> TLH: Tested
for Sector Boundary Errors (SBEs), and Fixed SBEs of Wavs -> FLAC Frontend
-> FLACs -> TLH: Create Checksum file & Verify Checksum file.
Final Lineage of last 5 songs: Recorded by Randy Bayer (aka 'FunkItBlog s)
4th row left-of-center -> Sony ECM-MS908C video mic (stereo) -> Canon Vixia
HF21 -> Vegas Pro 12.0 -> Wav -> CD Wave Editor -> FLACs -> FLAC Frontend ->
Wavs -> Then Leo via Audacity boosted each song's level by its own optimum
amount -> then via Audacity's Edit mode removed tiny amounts from
'problematic' places in the recording (i.e., skips/jumps/ticks) -> TLH:
Tested for Sector Boundary Errors (SBEs) and Fixed SBEs of Wavs -> FLAC
Frontend -> FLACs -> TLH: Create Checksum file & Verify Checksum file.
You've got a file called 101aSwells,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(19.5 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 101b1880OrSo,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(67.7 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 102ProveIt,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(32.8 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the
following link to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/7eu5qs
You've got a file called 103Elevation,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(31 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the following
link to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/yvig55
You've got a file called 104Glory,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac, (24.7
MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the following link
to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/gqp0wz
You've got a file called 105TornCurtain,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(60.3 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the
following link to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/0j3rfe
You've got a file called 106Venus,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac, (25.7
MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 107LJJ,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac, (70.1
MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 108SeeNoEvil,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(23.9 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the
following link to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/qmkxj1
You've got a file called 201Persia,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac, (97
MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 202MarqueeMoon,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(83 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 203GuidingLight,TheCORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(25.4 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 204aPsychotReactP1,CORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(15.4 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 204bPsychotReactP2,CORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(13.2 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 204cPsychotReactP3,CORRECTED Complete 3-29-14.flac,
(2 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called j Mar 29, 2014, The True Complete Ver FLACs.md5,
(1.2 KB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the following
link to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/d0swpk
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(43.5 KB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the
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(7.5 KB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the following
link to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/xm2fkj
You've got a file called 303Mar29,2014Knoxville,TheTrueCompleteVer
(&WithBoostedLevels&Edits).txt, (6 KB) waiting to be downloaded at
sendspace.com You can use the following link to retrieve your file:
You've got a file called 304 Keith's Artwork, March 29, 2014, Big Ears'
Fest, Knoxville.doc, (4.4 MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com
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You've got a file called 305KnoxvilleDiifFileFormat-front-revision2.jpg, (1
MB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.com You can use the following link
to retrieve your file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/vgp05t
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