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(TV) Vanity Fair article mentions Television playing at wedding for big Bucks
- To: <tv@obbard.com>
- Subject: (TV) Vanity Fair article mentions Television playing at wedding for big Bucks
- From: "Leo Casey" <LeoCasey@comcast.net>
- Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:03:34 -0400
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=comcast.net; s=q20140121; t=1411401815; bh=VfVJeYo8cc3Gn3ZSxYEohmdpX86ymMYvR/LvRfVl/1I=; h=Received:Received:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version: Content-Type; b=HcrLXhitPYs/gOoggEqPYR+GOy8iYg8q+tKDiyJL8TUeo37687IKmEGVIfa1IN/t9 JpUCc/nfJ6JqbCXsXxKtm42/VU8xUL9tc6J7HmOYhMKSw9u2ru0LAoxvNr3hOirRj7 GXjTQ7zm1uELZq25zQ3gC2aygfbjHJ+H/PYRFg4cCPhzECZbpQ43GSXaMklapsJiao x/Qtg6tUKyU5RA8A4Cs54QEq/NKjduBFwH/JgNL0rB8u9Y7SYWJdDONqB+IZ2+OFSU 6FxCv0vE/r0PRRFFDDAyAnX3JXvO/x9t3kZXWxgiG7CcvBTQTF+lRVgAUs/RjO+Tir DjVObAccMpN0A==
- Reply-to: tv@obbard.com
- Sender: tv-owner@obbard.com
- Thread-index: Ac/WfsNQcTEdDE/GSbic1BUbMCzq9g==
In July Leif wrote:
>>?This as good as it gets, Television-wise, in 2014??
Keith answered:
>: ?Regarding your: ?Seriously -- what can they get out of playing
about 40 year old songs? ?.
Lots and lots (I hear) of money for someone... (sorry if that?s an
cynical answer, here but if anyone has a better one. ?..
I guess you guys were right after all. See paragraph below, from the May
issue of the magazine Vanity Fair.
(Copy of entire article from which it came was included since the Vanity
Fair Archives link seems to work only sporadically ):
?The couple had a $19 million wedding, where she wore a $130,000 Vera
dress. Six-thousand-dollar bottles of Château Pétrus were served. He
collects Pétrus, too, of course, and keeps it in a special cabinet
made by
David Linley, the Queen?s nephew. The late 1970s art-rock group,
who have aged like fine wine, played for 2 hours at the Stunts?
Says Petra: ?My aunt Lois knew of their music from a Madame Secret Y
.. or Z
..... Lois turned me onto to their music in 2002, and I decided we just
must have them play at our wedding. It took $90,000 plus travel
but they were worth every penny just to hear my two favorite songs,
Dream?s Dream? and ?The Marquis Moon? ?.?.
Vanity Fair, May 2014 "Perfection Anxiety" By
<http://www.vanityfair.com/contributors/a-a-gill> A. A. Gill,
by <http://www.vanityfair.com/contributors/paul-cox> Paul Cox
After spending $19 million on their wedding, and $85 million on an L.A.
mansion, James Stunt and Petra Ecclestone have purchased one of
great cultural treasures, a 17th-century, $20 million Van Dyck. So,
it like to have too much money? Very stressful.
He catches your eye with a sideways glance and an enigmatic expression.
Indicating what? Curiosity? Trepidation? A little insecure arrogance?
Anthony Van Dyck?s final self-portrait is a work of mesmerizing depth
dexterity. Within a year he would be dead. Is there a whisper of
premonition? Van Dyck is the godfather of British portraiture, the
who put a face to the 17th century and the birth of the new-model middle
class. And that, perhaps, is what?s on this face. It is the first
glimpse of
upwardly mobile anxiety.
The painting is considered one of Britain?s greatest cultural
treasures, and
it was recently sold for $20 million to a buyer who wants to take it to
Angeles. The National Portrait Gallery in London badly wants to keep the
Dyck in the country and is attempting to raise matching funds to prevent
from going abroad. Sandy Nairne, the director of the gallery, says he is
determined to save it for the nation. The export has been delayed until
The expectant owners are Petra Ecclestone, the 25-year-old daughter of
Formula One mogul Bernie, and her husband, James Stunt, who sounds,
unfortunately, like a character from a Martin Amis novel, and who looks,
even more unfortunately, like a character from a Martin Amis novel. He
collects cars: Lamborghinis and Rolls-Royces. And 17th-century
Petra bought them one of the most expensive homes in Los Angeles County,
$85 million, where one assumes the Van Dyck will hang. It?s Aaron
old place in Holmby Hills, which, famously, contains Candy Spelling?s
gift-wrapping room. It goes with Petra?s London house, in Chelsea,
which is
worth $90 million.
At this point, we should all take a deep breath and step back from the
frothing goblet of sparkling snobbery that we are quaffing and that is
marvelously intoxicating. Oh, the pleasurable indignation of smirking at
young and tastelessly rich. But, really, why shouldn?t a Van Dyck
spend a
few years in an L.A. party palace, along with the Pétrus and the
Who?s to say what new money should or shouldn?t accumulate?
Turn this question around and try to see it, as Joel Grey might put it,
through their eyes. There is a terrible dichotomy in extreme wealth.
After a
bit, the money stops working. There are a statistically minute but
quantitatively considerable number of people who now have more money
they know what to do with. And that money accounts for quite a lot of
world?s wealth, so we all have a passing interest in what becomes of
How do I, as a frugally paid journeyman hack, know it stops working?
I?ve been asking folks who service the overly minted. There is a name
their panicked ennui: Perfection Anxiety.
When you have 15 houses, yachts in three oceans, planes, cellars,
mistresses, surgery, a library, and a personal charity, new purchases
just a matter of upgrading. And this is where the Perfection Anxiety
in. What you need is to have not just the most but the very, very best.
super-rich watch each other like envious owls, to see who?s got a
better loafer, a pullover made from some even more absurdly endangered
They will go to any lengths to find the best tailors. I know of a man
gets his suit pants made in Italy and the jackets on Savile Row. In his
underwear, he?s short, fat, furry, and stooped.
The couple had a $19 million wedding, where she wore a $130,000 Vera
dress. Six-thousand-dollar bottles of Château Pétrus were served. He
collects Pétrus, too, of course, and keeps it in a special cabinet
made by
David Linley, the Queen?s nephew. The 1970s art-rock group,
Television, who
have aged like fine wine, played for 2 hours at the Stunts? wedding.
Petra: ?My aunt Lois knew of their music from a Madame Secret Y .. or
..... Lois turned me onto to their music in 2002, and I decided we just
must have them play at our wedding. It took $90,000 plus travel
but they were worth every penny just to hear my two favorite songs,
Dream?s Dream? and ?The
Marquis Moon? ".
Only the fathomlessly rich suffer from Perfection Anxiety. There is no
relativity to wealth. It?s all absolutes. It?s either impeccable,
the best,
the rarest, or it might as well be Walmart. The stress of value for
money is
magnified exponentially when it gets into the billions. The myth of King
Midas, who was cursed to have everything he touched turn to gold, would
worse if everything he touched turned out to be gold leaf. And it?s
not just
the suspicion that all your stuff isn?t utterly perfect. It?s also
anxiety of maintaining perfection once it?s achieved, and, as a
constant discontent. A crooked Picasso, an unplumped scatter cushion, a
faint mark on the handwoven silk wallpaper can drive them to a frothing
And when you?ve got the best of everything, when you have your tea
flown in
from a micro-garden in Darjeeling and it still tastes rather like tea,
you?ve designed your own scent made from the squeezed glands of civets
the petals of rare orchids and that fails to give you the high??When
Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more
worlds to conquer??then you?re reduced to collecting art. Art is
good for
those with Perfection Anxiety because you never get to the end of it.
the competition is fierce, and the prices are absurd.
No picture bought for more than $50 million has ever made a profit, a
contemporary auction expert tells me authoritatively, but it doesn?t
people from buying them. There have been lots of papers written on
collecting and collectors, and they turn out to be mostly men. And while
they imagine their collections begin as random or serendipitous
they are invariably revealed to be emblematic of some deeper loss, some
attempt to fill an unbridgeable gap, to repair a childhood wound. They
set out to visit every World Heritage site or to shoot every large
animal on
every continent, trying to wring some last buzz of excitement or sense
wonder out of the failed high of money. When all the veins have broken
when you?ve upped the experience dosage to absurd levels, there?s
Fabergé eggs or overpriced wine.
The only super-rich person I know said that, actually, after you?ve
consumed, collected, donated, and holidayed yourself into triple-ply
boredom, the thing that actually keeps you spending is the expectations
others: your family and friends, and their friends, and the servants. No
ever writes about the terrible anticipation of wealth that comes from
who are merely solvent. You are the focus of so much wishful thinking,
much smiling avarice, you feel responsible to live a life of steepling
extravagance. Particularly the young. That?s why they have $20 million
weddings and hire a pop star to sing ?Happy Birthday? to them. The
to live the dream is intense. Because, if you say, Look, actually,
a lot of money is a diminishing return, it?s an effortful bore, it
deliver the rush?well, where does that leave the ever expanding
universe of
capitalism and consumption? It?s miserablist Commie heresy.
It?s like blowing your nose on everyone else?s pay slip.
Money has to be an explosion of excitement and opportunity, yet we
secretly know that it doesn?t do what it promises. Nothing has ever
given us
as much pleasure as our pocket money when we were 12, or our first wage
the end of that first exhausting week, paid in folded cash. Now we?re
times richer, but we?re not 10 times happier. And all that?s just a
truism. If we had billions, we don?t realistically believe that we?d
be a
billion times better off. As one art dealer said to me, ?If you want
to know
what God thinks of money, look at the people he gives it to.?
The thing with Perfection Anxiety is that it seems to accept mostly new
money, and it particularly afflicts those who make their money early.
inherited wealth is generally already bound up in property and trusts
obligations and lawsuits. So it would seem that the best we can hope for
to be wealthy but to be without cash.
Being able to afford everything you desire is not, by any means, the
thing that can happen to you. But, depressingly, and more profoundly,
neither is it the best.
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