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Re: (TV) More on Breakin' In My Heart': Brazil 2011 ??!!
Breakin' In My Heart was always my fave song off Tom's first solo album. Th
at cut got played so much on my vinyl album it wore out. It sounds all "fuz
zy" now, the groove got so worn. I love the guitar intro on "Breakin' In My
Heart" Tom & Richard play on the July 25, 1975 Piccadilly Inn show. As an
audience member on that recording can be heard saying after it, "wow!".
Richard Lloyd left a comment at youtube saying he used to love playing that
song. It's good it still gets played at shows, if only utra-occasionall
I like how Tom would improvise some lyrics on the spot for it, & as f
ar as I know, no two versions are exactly the same. Too bad I don't have a
show to attend tonight as some of you do, & that Tom or Television rarely e
ver seems to play near where I live :-(
On Saturday, No
vember 30, 2013 7:58:32 AM, Jesse Hochstadt <jesseh58@yahoo.com> wrote:
Looking forward to tonight! It's been a long time since I've seen anyone
from the list, but will say hi if I recognize anyone. (I'm 5'11", medium/s
tocky, short brown hair, glasses, and will be in jeans and either an orange
chamois shirt or a black Obscura Antiques T-shirt with an octopus in a jar
on it.)
- Jesse
> F
rom: Emilie T Hsu <emilie.t.hsu@gmail.com>
>To: "tv@obbard.com" <tv@obbar
>Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:10 AM
>Subject: Re: (TV)
More on Breakin' In My Heart': Brazil 2011 ??!!
>And Torn Curtai
n. It was a great show.
>Sent from my iPad
>> On Nov 30, 2013,
at 2:45 AM, "Dennis D" <dend@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
>> There were a bu
nch of counterfeit tickets floating around too. I told Fred the list wants
to hear Breakin in my Heart, and I am pretty sure they WON'T be doing it to
>> Evidently someone also requested Foxhole too. They did the Fir
e tonight!
>> It seems like everyone that went there got in.
>> Fyi- At rough trade and heard there are
>> Xtras tix at
>> -chris
>>> On Friday, November 29, 2013, De
nnis D wrote:
>>> Not sure I have the nerve to sugge
st Yonki Time, but if I feel the time is
>>> right I will.
On 29/11/2013 04:30, Dennis D wrote:
>>>> Only if Keith a
sks me to request Yonki time! :)
>>> Done! 8-)
>>> --
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>>> http://www.thewond
>>> "The Wonder - Tom Verlaine, Television & Stuff"
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