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Re: (TV) Not so familiar Verlaine favourites
I'll corroborate what Amilcar says re. Richard Thompson, as I
recall the
interview where Tom commented on Richard Thompson, saying he
liked his Fender
sound but didn't like Thompson's playing style. I tried
to locate the article
today to cite it, but couldn't find it easily. Of
course, there's lots more
going on with Fairport Convention than just
Thompson's guitar that Tom could
I'd not heard the excellent "A Sailor's Life" before. Thanks to Glen
for the YT link. I might not have noticed similarities to M.M. without them
being pointed out.
I hear echoes of the song Marquee Moon in a number of Sonic
Youth songs, "Rain on Tin" being just one. And Thurston has described
Television as being "elemental" to SY's sound, by which I guess he means
there's an element of Television influence.
Tom supposedly named Mazzy Star
as a band he likes. Knowing I'm a Mazzy Star fan, Deb once pointed out a post
to me from the MM List archives from some years back she noticed where someone
had posted that Tom "likes Joy Division & Mazzy Star." I'd read an interview
where Tom said He likes "Joy Division's stuff with that singer, before he took
the cure". So I knew that was accurate, but the Mazzy Star reference was new.
Does anyone else here recall Tom citing Mazzy Star as fave band, I wonder? If
it's true, I'll guess Tom might like the band for similar reasons he said he
likes The Pretenders, i.e.'cause Chrissie Hynde's "a good singer" & "there's a
melodic gift there". Maybe Tom thinks, as I do, Mazzy's singer, Hope
Sandoval, has a rare talent for writing & delivering emotive melodies. Perhaps
Tom's a McGarrigle Sisters fan for similar reasons.
From: amilcar amarante
To: "tv@obbard.com" <tv@obbard.com>
Sunday, April 21, 2013 4:20:48 PM
Subject: Re: (TV) Not so familiar Verlaine
he even said once that he didn4t like Thompson4s playing ,only
his "Fender "
sound ...
i remenber because i like Thompson a lot...
Cooper <glennwaynecooper@gmail.com>
Para: tv@obbard.com
domingo, 21
de abril de 2013 18:29
Asunto: Re: (TV) Not so familiar Verlaine
Well, of course there are similarities between Fairport's "A
Sailor's Life"
and "Marquee Moon". Tom was once asked if the former had been
an influence
the construction of that song and he replied, No, that he
hadn't heard
song at the time of MM's composition.
A Sailor's Life
It is a masterpiece.
Glenn C.
22/04/2013 6:40 AM, leif joley wrote:
> I was "late at the ball", as we say
Swedish, and didn't buy me any Nick
> Drake records until today. So now I'm
here with the 4 LP box, which comes with
> a big booklet. And the first
paragraph in it goes like this:
> "After a punk rock concert in New York ...
English producer John Wood goes
> backstage. There he is introduced to Tom
Verlaine... To Wood's surprise,
> Verlaine knows all about him. 'I've admired
your records for a long time',
> says the gaunt blond guitarist, then names
the performers he likes: the
> McGarrigle Sisters, John Martyn, the Fairport
Convention. 'But you know', says
> Verlaine, 'the very best of all is Nick
> Perhaps this conversation did took place once upon a time, and
perhaps it was
> just out of courtesy Verlaine said what he said. But has he
*ever* said
> anything like this elsewhere? A bunch of folk-rockers and
> as favourites? The McGarrigle Sisters?! John Martyn? Even
Nick Drake? I'd say
> that there's similarities between Verlaine's Fender
playing and Richard
> Thompson's, but the song-writing style is quite
different. Anyway -- a bit
> interesting to see some other possible influences
mentioned than Coltrane and
> Ayler and the other the usual suspects.
> Leif
J, Sweden
> --------------
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