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RE: More Than You'd Ever Want To Know / RE: (TV) Complete /TV's management Spanish TV show
Re the headline: Indeed! I started to read -- it just went on and on; I
started to scroll down -- it just went on and on! I finally wondered what a
psychologist would say about this -- probably that Mr Leo Casey should get
himself a nice outdoors hobby, like golf, to get rid of his obsessiveness with
a half-obscure pop orchestra!
Recently, apropos Hell's memoir, I for one was surprised to read that one of
the reporters who talked to the author tried to get a word from Verlaine's
management regarding all the negative things Hell wrote about his former
band-mate, and the management declined to comment. Verlaine's got a manager or
management at all nowadays? I thought that considering the very low output in
records and tours that perhaps Verlaine handles his business himself these
days. If not, who does? Previously it was John Telfer -- it might still be
him, although his webpage http://www.johntelfer.net/ hasn't been updated in 6
years, and I do wonder if it could be possible that Verlaine and Lloyd share
the same management. Then there's Primaray Talent
http://www.primarytalent.com/tom-verlaine/ which also lists both Verlaine and
Television as their clients -- although Television's not on their touring
schedule, even though they're on the road in Latin America and Asia this
spring. Isn't that a little odd?
Leif J, Sweden
> From: LeoCasey@comcast.net
> To: tv@obbard.com
> Subject: More Than You'd Ever Want To Know / RE: (TV) Complete Spanish TV
> Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 14:22:23 -0400
> Leif,
> This was tree-ed on the other List (Television-Group) as part of a 2-DVD
> collection of live Television performances.
> Leo
> PS: See (a) below for more details.
> Television/Tom Verlaine, Trying To Tell A Vision, Video Anthology
> Volume II, From The Years 1984, 1986, 1987, 1992, And 2002DVD3 [Received
> from CA on October 5, 2005, and on January 3, 2007.]
> Description: Volume II contains the following:
> a) Tom Verlaine, September 25, 1984, Live On La Edad de Oro,
> TVE2, Estudio-2, Prado del Rey, Madrid, Spain: Glory (0:00 - 2:59.9:
> 2:59.9, + 10.9 applause & T.V.: Gracias.. + 8.1 sec. T.V.: This is a
> little piece called Miss Emily from the [unintelligible] she lives..
> Total: 3:18.9) / Miss Emily (1.1 sec. silence, 1.1 - 6:33.5: 6:32.4, + 14.0
> sec. applause & tuning-up) (extraordinarily rare; there exist only two live
> recordings!) / Red Leaves (1.5 sec. silence, 1.5 - 2:50.0: 2:48.5, + 11.4
> sec. applause) (rare) / Rotation (0.2 sec. silence, 0.2 - 4:12.7: 4:12.5, +
> 16.0 sec. applause & tuning-up) / Souvenir From A Dream* (0.8 sec. silence,
> 0.8 - 4:10.6: 4:09.8, + 6.2 sec. applause) / Penetration (1.5 sec. silence,
> 1.5 - 5:02.7: 5:01.2, + 29.4 sec. applause, band intros & tuning-
> up) [exceptional musicianship by all] / Dissolve-Reveal (1.5 sec. T.V.:
> This is called un Dissolve., 1.5 - 5:20.9: 5:19.4, + 22.3 sec.
> applause & tuning-up) / Kingdom Come (2.0 sec. silence, 2.0 - 3:35.1:
> 3:33.1, + 19.6 sec. applause & tuning-up) / Excerpt From 41 Monologuesv2
> (aka I Am Daylight) (2.6 sec. silence, 2.6 - 2:27.9: 2:25.3) (very, very
> rare)/Swim (2:27.9 - 5:54.9: 3:29.6)/spooky transition (0:45.4)/Clear It
> Away (5:07.7, 5:09.4: T.V.: Good Night.., from 5:07.7 is 56.7 sec. of
> long applause & repeated shouts of Toma!, Toma!, Toma!, and loud
> whistling; then 43 sec. of tuning-up after band returns to stage) / Encore:
> Marquee Moon (2.4 sec. tuning-up, 2.4 - 12:42.0: 12:39.6 includes ~6 - 7
> sec. of the lingering and quite audible, and wonderfully long-lasting
> reverberation/resonance in the room (i.e., in the tv-studio)! + 15.9 sec.
> raucous applause) [short but spectacular! Less is more? Some of Verlaines
> guitar playing here is very reminiscent of that of a jazz guitarist]
> Concert: 63:31.5
> Note: None of the 15 minute interview Verlaine gave on September 25, 1984
> to tv-host, Paloma Chamorro, is included on this DVD3.
> La Edad de Oro (The Golden Age) was [is?] the name of a television-show
> in Spain, on which performers from Spain and other countries performed live
> in front of a studio audience. The female host of La Edad de Oro,
> Senorita Paloma Chamorro, gives a 1 minute and 54 second introduction to
> (she has a gigantic Afro, and is sitting on the side of the
> its more like a daisand is surrounded by young teenagers). According
> to http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0569170/fullcredits#cast Paloma Chamorro
> directed this particular show!
> Tom and the band perform on a stage in relative darkness except for arrays
> of colored stage lights, although sometimes a white spotlight is used when
> television camera zooms in on Tom. It is a small tv-studio audience
> of about 120. Three or four separate tv cameras are usedwith many
> shots of Toms face, or his fingers when playing guitar. During Kingdom
> Come, the songs lyrics are superimposed on the tv- screen and scroll-by
> as he sings. Each songs title is identified by credits during its
> performance. Tom wears a gigantic black beret,
> black shirt, black pants, and black boots. He looks like a volunteer from
> the International Brigade (who supported
> the Republicans in Spain against Francos Nationalists in Spains Civil
> The Carried Away Seed Details and
> The Wonder both read, Spanish-tv concert 1985[sic]..
> Leo gives this performance a 10, the audio a 9, but the video imagery
> only a 5 or a 6.
> Note: A video recording of this same Madrid tv-broadcast also appears on
> The Stolen Files_7, Tom Verlaine, September 25, 1984, Live On La Edad de
> Oro, tv-Broadcast, TVE2, Estudio-2, Prado del Rey, Madrid, Spain
> (Concert And tv-Interview3)From Stolen Original Master tv-Broadcast
> TapesBest Quality VersionDVD4. It has vastly superior video quality
> (i.e., Leo gives the video image quality of the DVD, The Stolen Files_7,
> September 25, 1984, a 9.5 or a 10!).
> The entire September 25, 1984 show can also be found on YouTube at:
> http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E5788181CB47646Ealbeit its video
> and audio quality is inferior to the above DVD3 version (and the DVD4
> version whose Listing appears later in this Catalogue ).
> b) Promotional Video, 1986: A Town Called Walker (3:25.5, but music,
> itself, is only 3:20). The first 5.5 seconds of promo-video is a silent
> cartoon of Tom thumbing through the pages of a scrapbook; this scrapbook is
> featured prominently in the rest of the video, as well as many shots of Tom
> dressed in black, wool pea-coat and black beret. During the final ~11
> seconds with the music still playing an aphorism of the German author,
> Rudolph Claudius, (possibly one of Toms favorites?) scrolls up the
> first in its original German, and then an English translation: The energy
> in the world is constant; the entropy in the world endeavors to increase..
> On a scale of from 1 to 10, Leo gives the image quality of the video a
> rating of a 7 to a 7.5, and the sound a 7.5 to an 8. This
> promo-video also appears on June g d, 1990, MTV Promotional Interview7
> With Solo Acoustic7 Performances Of Stalingrad And Ancient Egypt In
> MTV-Studio; Plus Richard Lloyd And Band, November 14, 1985, Performing
> Soldier Blue And Field Of Fire, Gothenberg, Sweden, Later Broadcasted
> Swedish Public-tv, Stockholm, SwedenDVD5, whose Listing appears later in
> this Catalogue. This promo-video of A Town
> Called Walker does not exist on YouTube.
> c) From The Old Grey Whistle Test (OGWT), BBC-4, tv-Show, London, April
> 1978: Foxhole (cuts, only 1:25.5!, 1:29.5 with emcees intro) This,
> however, is an edited and truncated version of the original
> April 1978 performance of Foxhole. It begins with an intro lasting only
> ~4 seconds by a slick-talking, woman-emcee (who has short, blonde hair and
> is dressed in a black and white blouse) from the BBCl-4 tv-Show, The
> Tube, London. This April 1978 OGWT footage was played back on February 13,
> 1987 on The Tube as a way of introducing Verlaines February 13, 1987
> performance; the February 13, 1987 performance itself is listed in (d)
> below. She says in her very short intro, ... [this OGWT video is] from
> their last year together, 1978, Foxhole.. Superimposed over the video
> for a few seconds while the band plays are the words, ... from 1978, the
> bands last year.. Note: When this version of Foxhole ends, it is
> immediately followed by ~7 seconds of the same emcee talking inanely about
> some other band, followed by a 1-sec. video glitch. The complete version
> (i.e., 4:07) of the OGWT video of Foxhole is on Television/Tom Verlaine,
> Trying To Tell A Vision, Video Anthology Volume I, From The Years 1974,
> 1975, 1978, 1982, And 1984DVD2 , which is the previous Listing.
> Note: The 16th is the best guess as Television played Londons Hammersmith
> Odeon on April 16 and 17. Leo gives the image quality a rating of a 6 to a
> 7, and gives the audio quality a rating of an 8 to an 8.5. There is no
> video of this shortened and emcee-introduced version of Foxhole on
> YouTube.
> d) From The Tube, Channel-4 tv-Show, London, February 13, 1987: A Town
> Called Walker (2:57: music + 6 sec. acapella-ending, 2:51 just music, 3:04
> with emcee intro) (extraordinarily rare; there exists only three live
> recordings!)/1.6 sec. transition of drum sticks clicking together/Bomb
> (5:39.4 = 5:38.4 just music + 1 sec. acapella ending)/10.3 sec. audience
> applause; Grand total: 8:53.6 (with emcee-intro). This is the very first
> appearance for these two songs. The same slick-talking woman-emcee (who
> the exact same short, blonde hair and is dressed in the exact same black &
> white blouse as in (c) above) says in her brief 7-second intro, Tom
> Verlaine with two tracks from his soon-to-be-released album, Flash Light,
> backed by members of Love And Money.. These were performed on a real
> before a relatively large tv-studio audience. The band stops A Town
> Walker unexpectedly on a dime at 2:51 and Verlaine says, I dont think
> she cares too much about it ... I mean she hung around there an awfully
> time. She didnt seem to be getting anywhere.. (2:51 + the
> 6-second vocal-only ending = 2:57 total.) This live A Town Called Walker
> is not quite a full-length version; the officially released album version
> including the entire fade-out is 3:24.0 when played back on Total Recorder
> with volume set very high at songs fade-out ending. Leo gives the image
> quality of these two videos a rating of 6 to a 6.5 and the
> audio quality a rating of an 8 to an 8.5.
> Verlaines backup band consisted of members of the Scottish group, Love And
> Money (a rhythm/lead guitarist, bassist and drummer), who do a very good
> with these two songs. Steve Pittaway of the Marquee Moon
> Mailing List wrote on August 18, 2007: Love And Money was on the Fontana
> record label at the same time as Verlaine, plus they were on The Tube the
> same day as Verlaine (I also wonder if they shared the same management at
> the time?). It would be interesting to know how much rehearsal they had for
> the tv-program as they do seem to play together very well. On August 16,
> 2007, Joe Thornton wrote on the Marquee Moon Mailing List, Did you notice
> what Tom says at the end of Bomb [acapella the final second of song]? I
> was really beginning to wonder. . The live, February 13, 1987
> of A Town Called Walker can also be on YouTube at:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7LfIafSSrg.
> Note 1: The Carried Seed Details/The Wonder both read: Foxhole [sic] /
> A Town Called Walker / Bomb (The Tube, UK-tv, 1987).
> Note 2: According to an off-List e-mail from Earl Greaves on October 29,
> 2010, regarding the show of February 13, 1987: The Tube was broadcast
> on Channel 4, not on the BBC..
> e) Promotional Video, 1992: Call Mr. Lee (4:16); Leo gives the image
> quality a rating of an 8 to a 9, and
> gives the audio quality a rating of a 9 to 9.5. Leo also has a copy on his
> hard drive of Call Mr. Lee. It was originally sent by Claudia via
> but the Claudia version is in a compressed file format of MPEG-1, and it
> will only play via free software/player on Leos PC. The MPEG-1 version
> possesses good picture and sound quality. This promo-video is also on
> YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4QZSDu1wx8albeit its video and
> audio quality is inferior to the above DVD3 version.
> f) From The Fuji Rock Festival, July 26, 2002, Mount Naeba Ski Resort,
> Niigata, Japan: 1880 Or So (7:16) / Call Mr. Lee (4:56) / Glory
> (3:24) Leo gives the image quality a rating of an 8, and gives the audio
> quality a rating of a 9. (The Wonder does not rate it.) Note: Swells/Big
> Tree3 is not included with 1880 Or So.
> All three of these videos are on YouTube at:
> s=10&page=1 albeit their video and audio quality are inferior to the above
> DVD3 version.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Television/Tom Verlaine, Trying To Tell A Vision, Video Anthology
> I, From The Years 1974, 1975, 1978, 1982, And 1984DVD2
> Description: This is Volume I of a two volume set of videos (see next
> for Vol. II details). Leo bought his first copy of this DVD on e-bay for
> $25 in September 2005. Carried Away (tree) : a set of two DVDs the first
> of which contained the exact same material that is on Television/Tom
> Verlaine, Trying To Tell A Vision, Video Anthology Volume I, From The
> Years 1974, 1975, 1978, 1982, And 1984DVD2 . The Carried Away set of two
> DVDs goes by the name, Trying To Television (2 DVDs Anthology): Volume
> (1974 - 1984), Adventure Disc DVD, ADVD 001, 2005; And Volume II (1984 -
> 2001), Adventure Disc DVD, ADVD 002, 2005.
> Theres quite a range in quality of the video image and the audio on this
> DVD; see more details in (a) through (e) below. The Wonder doesnt rate
> DVDs video quality or audio quality. Leo compared the quality of the image
> and the sound [when not jumping, skipping, or freezing-up] on all three of
> the above remaining copies; the quality appears to be identical on all
> three. The length of the DVD is the same for all three copies: 93
> minutes.{Rov: _}
> This Volume I DVD contains the following:
> a) From Terry Orks Loft Rehearsal, Q, r s, 1974 (Month And Day(s)
> Unknown):
> b) From The Film Blank Generation, 1975, CBGB, NYC: The filmmakers Ivan
> Kral and Amos Poe edited into the film post facto a soundtrack consisting
> of snippets of Little Johnny Jewel/ O Mi Amore (~60
> seconds)/Little Johnny Jewel; this was done since the original footage
> not contain the audio when Televisions songs were performed in the film.
> The short piece of the film that is on the DVD, Trying To Tell
> A Vision - Vol. I , is only 4:50.5. The video image quality of the
> performances of Little Johnny Jewel/O Mi Amore/Little Johnny Jewel is
> mediocre; Leo rates it at about a 5.
> c) From The Old Grey Whistle Test (OGWT), BBC-4, tv-Show, April 16,
> Foxhole (4:17, of which 10 seconds is silent video of the band before and
> after the song; so, 4:07). Russ Van Rooy wrote, I think you are going
> love it too! Its certainly the most amazing rock performance video that
> Ive seen in a long time. Great close-ups of Tom on the fret-board, during
> solos, for gods sake! Hear the way those strings are being bent. You can
> actually see the vibrato coming off those strings. It makes me want to get
> a Fender Jazzmaster all the more so.. (According to BitTorrent #142806
> DIME, The Unreleased Old Grey Whistle Test, Vol. 7, 1974 - 2007, PAL
> DVD, the date is May 16, 1978; however, Televisions last concert date in
> Europe in 1978 was on April 17 at the Hammersmith Odeon, London.) Note:
> incomplete, edited version (1:25.5), of the OGWT video of Foxhole is on
> Television/Tom Verlaine, Trying To Tell A Vision, Video Anthology
> II, From The Years 1984, 1986, 1987, 1992, And 2002DVD3 , which is the
> Listing in this Catalogue.
> Note 1: The 16th is the best guess as Television played Londons
> Odeon on April 16 and 17.
> d) Promotional Videos, 1982: Words From The Front (3:57)/Clear It
> (4:11). The Words From The Front video is a very strange (bad strange)
> video with a young and uncomfortable looking Tom. The promo-video for
> From The Front and song length are both only 3:57, i.e., it is not the
> album version of the song. The promo-video for Clear It Away is
> embarrassingly bad, with Tom naked from the waist-up! In several shots, it
> looks like parts of his face have a very bad case of acne or some other
> skin-condition. On October 6, 2005, Greg Grant wrote on the Marquee Moon
> Mailing List regarding this video: ... Tom could have been rich if he
> made this into a tv-ad: Clearasil it away.. Leo has an old newspaper
> clipping that says these two promo-videos were directed by Ed Steinberg.
> The quality of the video image for both videos is poor to mediocre; Leo
> gives it a rating of a 3 to a 4 and gives the audio a rating of a 4 to a
> e) From The Old Grey Whistle Test (OGWT), BBC-4, tv-Show, London, June
> (Most Likely June 8 Or 9 Or 10 Or 11), 1982:, Days On The Mountain - Part
> 1 (4:56.5)/Days On The Mountain- Part 2 (4:35.0) (very rare). The first
> 0:30 is a British, female host of the OGWT (badly) introducing Verlaine.
> The reason for the OGWT breaking-up the performance/song into two parts was
> because the OGWT had to switch-to/include other programming/bands roughly
> every 5 minutes (i.e., analogous to the modus operandi of the BBC tv-show,
> Live With Jools Holland); so, the OGWT told Tom ahead of time that he
> would have to perform his very long song in two separate parts. Part 1 has
> its own separate ending, and Part 2 has its own separate beginning. At
> of Part 2, the OGWT credits begin rolling over the band as it continues to
> play (and be heard); 24 seconds later the OGWT broadcast officially
> terminates with the band still playing. The OGWT sound engineer has
> expertly faded-out the song over the last 11 seconds of the broadcast.
> The video image quality of Part 1 is good to very good; Leo gives it a
> rating of an 8.5 to a 9 (the sound also gets a
> rating of an 8.5 to a 9). The video image quality of Part 2 is
> result of deliberately surreal lighting as
> well as arty/hokey multi-exposures of the band; Leo gives the sound of Part
> 2 a rating of an 8 to an 8.5). A video
> of the OGWT 1982 live Days On The Mountain - Part 1 can also be found on
> YouTube at:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1VtAiZNyKMalbeit its video and audio
> quality is inferior to the above DVD2 version. (
> f) Promotional Video, 1984: Five Miles Of You (3:22) The length of the
> 45 r.p.m., 7-inch-single version of the song is 3:49 according to the
> vinyls front paper-label of Leos copy of the 45 r.p.m., 7-inch-single.
> This means that the promo-video of Five Miles Of You is considerable
> shorter than the single27 seconds shorter if the length on the vinyls
> paper-label is accurate. The lengths of songs printed by the record
> companies on these paper-labels (or in the liner notes) are notoriously
> inaccurateoften by a few seconds (or more). However, the most likely
> explanation for the difference in lengths is that Warner Brothers
> deliberately made the promo-video version of Five Miles Of You shorter
> because they believed that the average music fans attention span is short,
> and so a promo-video should never exceed 3 and one-half minutes!
> The video image and audio quality are mediocre to poor; Leo rates the image
> quality and audio at a 5. Leo also has a VHS-cassette (two copies) of the
> video of Five Miles Of You;
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tv-owner@obbard.com [mailto:tv-owner@obbard.com] On Behalf Of leif
> joley
> Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:50 PM
> To: tv@obbard.com
> Subject: (TV) Complete Spanish TV show
> Was this known to the list?
> http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E5788181CB47646E A Verlaine Madrid
> show from '84, from start to finish. I remember seeing parts of it, but
> didn't
> knew that it was a full package like this.
> Leif J, Sweden
> --------------
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