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RE: (TV) Tom interview from 2006
I have to disagree. The only fabulous thing with this interview must be that
fans are delighted by the sight of a lenghty conversation with Verlaine, since
there are rather few of them. But to me it's sloppy, un-edited, without
necessary follow-up questions, and it tries to cover too much ground. Many
times nothing of real value comes out of the Q&A. I also sometimes read
Verlaine's answers like he's becoming a little tired of the interviewer and
doesn't want to give proper responses to the questions. The funniest thing in
it is the comments about Bill Laswell's appearance on "Miss Emily" (a
particular fave of mine) off "Cover".
Downright confusing is the part about Jimmy Rip's input on "Flash Light". Did
or did not Rip played on it? I might be a little dumb but can't understand the
reasoning there.
The complications about the follow-up to "Cover" is well-known, with all the
recordings that were later used as B-sides, but I wasn't aware that Verlaine
didn't approve of the mix. That said: Personally, I've never had any problems
with the "Flash Light" sound. To me, it's not especially "80's", and if it is,
then I think the production (and mixing) makes full justice to these songs.
Big, loud, blaring, with many guitar playing things going on throughout. To
me, it makes for a LP that's in my personal grading is tied on a second place
(together with "Dreamtime") if we're talking about his solo catalogue -- but
none can challenge the first one as being the best one.
Leif J, Sweden
> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 11:17:43 -0700
> Subject: Re: (TV) Tom interview from 2006
> From: russvr@gmail.com
> To: tv@obbard.com
> Fabulous post, Deb. I've only read the first couple pages and have to leave
> the rest for later, but this a great find!
> Russ Van Rooy
> On Sep 27, 2012 7:53 AM, "postitnote" <postitnote@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > Has everyone read this interview w/ Tom? It says it's supposed to be the
> > full interview where the published one was cut down.
> >
> > http://televisionmusic.livejournal.com/4816.html
> >
> > I just thought it was an interesting read and Tom seems more talkative
> > than usual.
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