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Re: (TV) Richard Lloyd's Facebook Comments on The New Television Track
- To: tv@obbard.com
- Subject: Re: (TV) Richard Lloyd's Facebook Comments on The New Television Track
- From: Steve Rovner <serovner@mindspring.com>
- Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2011 19:57:32 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=dk20050327; d=mindspring.com; b=n+BuOyJvcFPYdz5eYpinVUOUFCnH1gIceWL9mDAFHqJUU8u9F8G4RKd8nkOVJGBk; h=Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:To:Subject:Mime-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:X-Mailer:X-ELNK-Trace:X-Originating-IP;
- Reply-to: tv@obbard.com
- Sender: tv-owner@obbard.com
LOL, Maurice! I wasn't boring! It was absolutely perfect for a Saturday morning, sitting outside and relaxing. Of course, the go-go girls you had dancing in cages on both sides of the stage helped.
BTW, back in 2010 Richard posted on Facebook asking if folks thought he was arrogant, nuts, etc. I think these posts really sum up Richard, and the fact that he is very conscious of his impact on others. A couple snippets:
"So I've gained a reputation for occasionally displaying a short fuse or eccentric behavior on and off stage. I know that I am as nutty as they come, in the category of Syd Barrett, Roky Erickson, etc., but at least I'm still performing and active. But one of the purposes of my being so active on Facebook is to exhibit my persona -- my real communicative being, which is friendly, accepting, compassionate, emphasizing, generous and intelligent. That's all."
"Several of my shows have ended in fracas, with yours truly involved -- some nasty rumors got started and you can imagine -- all of a sudden I was an evil misogynist asshole. I never hit anyone first, period. This stage should be sacrosanct and audience members do not belong on it; they might hurt themselves, they might knock over equipment, etc., but in clubs everybody thinks they're entitled to everything and anywhere. After someone has shook your hand 38 times telling you how much they love you, and you excuse yourself, and they tell you that they hate you because you are an arrogant fuck, you suddenly realize why people need bodyguards. No shit, like when somebody ran up to David Bovary and punched him in the face and he asked as security took him away, "why?" And the guy said: "because my girlfriend likes your records, dickshit!"
So I've gained a reputation for occasionally displaying a short fuse or eccentric behavior on and off stage. I know that I am as nutty as they come, in the category of Syd Barrett, Roky Erickson, etc., but at least I'm still performing and active. But one of the purposes of my being so active on Facebook is to exhibit my persona -- my real communicative being, which is friendly, accepting, compassionate, emphasizing, generous and intelligent. That's all.
I'm not even a big shot and I have had a couple of stalkers trying to ruin my career and reputation with complete ranting and raving and lies. So today I am just making a little check. No big deal. I am not frazzled. I am a frazzler, and a dazzler, not a deer in headlights. On a couple of occasions I have spoken to people in such a way as they simply fell down, collapsed right in front of me -- hypnotized or mesmerized or whatever. I have to be very careful how much light I exhibit.
I am like the robot Klatu, the visor is mostly 90% closed, because if I opened it up someone would either collapse and lose consciousness or get exceedingly dizzy trying to follow the embedded logic in various layers when I speak -- I hardly ever speak to a person's consciousness, which I consider as useless as a froth on a beer. Lots of space but it won't get you drunk. When I am with other people I tend to speak to their entire being or act as a mirror. And I need to be careful showing a person themselves, because they simply in most cases can't take it and get violent."
-----Original Message-----
>From: Maurice Rickard <maurice@me.com>
>Sent: Jun 4, 2011 7:19 PM
>To: "tv@obbard.com" <tv@obbard.com>
>Subject: Re: (TV) Richard Lloyd's Facebook Comments on The New Television Track
>The Tom Verlaine Band show in Pittsburgh in June 2006 was glorious, as was the 2002 PGH Music for Films show. Some glimmers on Songs...
>Otherwise yeah, not a lot on the shelves, so to speak, and a tendency toward the lazy. Boring? Sometimes, but not most-boring-ever. And I believe I have some authority in boring matters, as the purveyor of the most boring set Steve's ever sat through. (Thanks, Steve, and sorry.)
>On Jun 4, 2011, at 7:08 PM, Keith Allison <keith@thewonder.co.uk> wrote:
>> What's he done of any note in the past 1 0 or 15 years other than the Music for Film project and sitting at the back of the stage at Patti Smith shows noodling away quietly in the background?
>http://mauricerickard.com | http://onezeromusic.com | http://yoctonaut.com/
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