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Re: (TV) Met Patti Smith Tues. Nite / Meeting Music-Gods / Foot-in-mouth Disease?
- To: tv@obbard.com
- Subject: Re: (TV) Met Patti Smith Tues. Nite / Meeting Music-Gods / Foot-in-mouth Disease?
- From: Russ <russvr@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 20:39:33 -0500
- Dkim-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; b=nCStXRxf6y5J5PV3QMdOu4UBRaaaX/AkKTYibhUKVkli7jkXagEhnCta53Po4fZbK//smG1Kqa5F2rJLNB4Eu59pf7eYkz2Gxc+YWGXgE6SZ2bEml03pOBYzg+iPXoJQjCaoOeymAUkezbpJNiYgO7SK03pgONzpZbraoHV6xF4=
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- In-reply-to: <200702230057.l1N0vb6J031937@zappa.brainiac.com>
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- Reply-to: tv@obbard.com
- Sender: tv-owner@obbard.com
f, g, and maybe a little h. I feel your pain, man. I get star struck around
celebrities especially ones I respect greatly. My ego wants some sort of
acknowledgment, too, from them, that I "coulda been a contender" or some
such bs. It's best just for me to stay out of the way of famous people.
Usually it's a let down. I once met Harvey Pekar, got his autograph. Same
with Country Joe McDonald. Signed my copy of 'Electric Music for the Mind
and Body'. Nice fellas. Yours' is a great story, btw.
- Russ
On 2/22/07, Leo Casey <LeoCasey@comcast.net> wrote:
> This post is on-topic as it touches on an individual by the
> name of Fred Smith.
> Does anyone have any stories about meeting a musical
> hero (or other type of celebrity)---whether it was a good
> or bad experience---which they would share?
. As I was driving home I
> started to feel a lot better as I came up with several
> hypotheses:
> a) Her intuition immediately sensed something 'strange'
> about me---bad strange;
> b) I had started off on the wrong foot by not saying 'Hi' or
> addressing her by name;
> c) I had intruded upon her privacy;
> d) I had mentioned her dead [died in 1994] husband---an
> intrusive and no-no topic for a perfect stranger;
> e) I should have started off with mentioning her fantastic
> early 1990s' Boston concert at the Orpheum Theater when
> she opened for Dylan and later sang a duet with him, and
> Verlaine played spooky guitar while sitting half-hidden in
> shadows way, way in the back of the stage, and Alan
> Ginsberg and his entourage were sitting just two rows
> in front of me in the 4th row orchestra section,
> dead-center, and .... and .. .
> f) It had nothing at all to do with me; she was very
> disappointed that so few people were buying/bidding-on
> anything, and so her appearance to help the artists was
> turning out to be a bust;
> g) She was distracted, or/and daydreaming of eating
> a nice bowl of Brazilian black bean soup afterwards on
> Centre St.
> h) Leo's expectations were too high and he's just too
> darn sensitive! :>)
> Or:
> http://www.boston.com/yourlife/health/diseases/articles/2007/02/21/grief_stu
> dy_says_yearning_is_felt_more_strongly_than_depression/
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