those of you in the nyc and hartford areas have the
opportunity to see the cecil taylor trio ***WITH HENRY
GRIMES***. ***ALL OF YOU*** should go. just my
opinion. details, from the cecil list, below.
The Cecil Taylor Trio featuring Henry Grimes
(, back with the master after 4O
years (!) ("Into the Hot," "Unit Structures,"
"Conquistador") and drummer Pheeroan akLaff
( will play on Saturday, Oct. 21st at 8
p.m. at Jackie and Dollie McLean's place the Artists'
Collective, 12OO Albany Ave., Hartford, CT,
86O-527-32O5 (,, and on the two dates at
the Iridium Jazz Club in New York City posted to this
list a couple of weeks ago by Andreas Dietz.
Cecil Taylor is also playing (solo, I believe, though
the Web listing says "+2") at Merkin Concert Hall in
New York City on Thursday, October 12th
( and
solo on Saturday, November 4th at International House
in Philadelphia (,
Those in the areas of Hartford, New York City, and
Philadelphia are greatly blessed!
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