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(TV) Greg's Great & Hilarious S&OT Review
Greg wrote:
Greg, I loved your review but didn't read it twice---I read it three times.
I liked what you said about the ".. speaky vocals"
But most of all:
>I like the way he fits all the parts together and plays them off each other
>and off the spaces between the notes like a classical composer rather
>than a pop musician
Spot on!
The part about Jutta and esp.
>Tom on Designer Guys? ..his walls are covered with Smoke
>residue!_) _an ashtray is not a centerpiece Mr. Verlaine!_).
It brought back bad memories of my NYC hotel room last week :>)
>Kind of a shlocky little number with a cheesy,
>predictable chorus ..
A fair number of the choruses on the album are predictable
(or/and Overly familiar).
>Rating: I'm harder on poor Tom then I would be on anyone else.
That's the price of genius.
>As a Verlaine album compared to prior efforts B.
>As a Verlaine album versus the world, an A plus is too low.
Ty, where is your review in the Boston Globe-get cracking.
Or if you're not writing it who is? Loan them your cd if necessary :>)
I'm being deliberately bad in not trimming this post because I want
to make it easier for those Marquee Moon-ers, who skipped this the
first time around To check it out.
PS: Are you related to those two Canadian guys who did those Molson
commercials about 10-12 years? (What were there names?)
>my ***cheap plug alert*** upcoming recording / cd / whatever
Send me an e-mail off-list when it comes out, I'd like to buy
a copy---on second thought what the hell, send it On-List,
this List needs reminding.
----Original Message-----
From: tv-owner@obbard.com On Behalf Of grntg
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 4:32 PM
To: tv@obbard.com
Subject: (TV) greg reviews SaOT
Warning: I get kinda mean to some of your favorite bands at the end...
Here it is, per all your requests (okay Leo's only) my thorough blow
by blow review of SaOT.
Parade in L.: I like this a lot, it doesn't remind me of Olivia
Newton John as Leo intimated but I can't recall ever listening to
ONJ other than the schlocky Grease soundtrack which my spouse adored
for about two weeks when she went through a retro phase. Perhaps I
should check into ONJ's solo stuff? Anyways, I wish Around had 14
of these structured kind of things rather than the play along
jam-in-a-box effort I so harshly criticized it as being.
Heavenly Charm: This ticks me off a little as I have a
song w/ _charm_ in the title on my ***cheap plug alert*** upcoming
recording / cd / whatever. Get rid of the vocals, replace them
with a lead guitar run and we have the makings of an excellent
instrumental cd. Rocket theme comes up from the Television album,
(editors note: this 'foreshadowing' you are using is virtually
non-descript until the second read through. Do you think you are
THROUGH, NOT ALONE TWICE. you should clean this up. ).
The speaky vocals take away from this.
Orbit: Kind of a shlocky little number with a cheesy, predictable
chorus. This would fit in Cover. Does Verlaine realize how
old he is? Singing about _girls_ at his age is kind of creepy,
unless the _girls_ he refers to are his age, yuck! I don't like
this one at all.
Blue Light: More speaky vocals to start off. Cover era music
w/ FlashLight era vocal stylings. The lead guitar, to me, is worth
the price of the cd so it's all gravy from here.
>From Her Fingers: Reminds me of the songs floating around on the
lost album bootleg. Man, is he a good guitarist. I like the way he
fits all the parts together and plays them off each other and off
the spaces between the notes like a classical composer rather than
a pop musician. Another song about _girls._ I can see _little
American girl(s)_ driving around and belting out the fa fa fa five
chorus, catchy, really catchy. Let The Matrix produce / remix this
nd you can get that nice downtown condo to that Jutta's probably
nagging you for. Tom on Designer Guys? (lisp this__oooo careful
Steven, his walls are covered with Smoke residue!_)(_an ashtray is
not a centerpiece Mr. Verlaine!_). Hey, I'm married, my wife
watches these while I read Saturday's paper.
Nice Actress: Detective movie guitar work circa This Cops
from Mars. The bad language is kind of surprising. My five
year old also found it rather surprising and giggled away.
Thanks Tom. There is something groovy cool about this song.
I wouldn't think I'd like something like this but it is probably
my fave on the cd.
A Stroll: More speaky vocals but they really work on this one.
The guitar work is gorgeous beyond gorgeous. The drums sound like
boxes. Verlaine is a great
rhythm guitarist.
Earth in etc: Everybody Sing it! _One Time at Sundown__ Who
cares, the world needs more of this song. Verlaine's guitar is
so effortless and fluid it sounds ordinary until you listen
carefully to the nuances.
Lovebird: I like the chord changes, I like the bass, I like
the drums, I like this song. The lead solo is great beyond great
albeit short. Another song that sounds like it could have been
on Television.
Docum: one hour after 4 a.m. (get it?). What's that _Next_ button
on my cd player do? Oh yeah_
Shing: Is it just me or is it almost rap at the beginning? Tom
been listening to the artist formerly known as Puffy? I'd like
this better without vocals. No, that's not true. I wouldn't like
this in a house, I wouldn't like it with a mouse. I wouldn't
like it in a boat, I wouldn't like it with a goat. I do not
like it at all. Sam I am, I don't like shingaling.
All weirded out: Didn't Television play this live in recent
years? Was the reunion just an evil plot by Tom to get Richard
to play a Verlaine solo song? How is Richard taking this?
This doesn't fit in with the rest of the album. Could have
been saved for the next fabled Television cd but I am not going
to bitch about including a really good song that doesn't fit,
especially at the rate Verlaine releases songs and other things
insert groans here).
The Day: I do not see this as a single as others have. I think
it's a good, no it's not, it's an exxxcccceeellent song but it
doesn't fit into single format that appeases the masses. Best
vocal on the cd.
Peace piece: Frames the cd out. Somewhat relieved as I was
expecting hippy lyrics.
Overall: Great guitar work, lots of interesting things going
in within the songs, little flourishes here and there keep it
all interesting and surprising. He plays instruments off each
other and the space of other instruments like pieces composed
for orchestras. Where Around was jamming (perhaps it was his
gift to us hardcore fans rather then a grasp at a larger audience),
these songs sound worked out, crafted, molded and made into
something spectacular.
Interesting w/ Verlaine playing all the lead and rhythm for 13
out of 14 and how this sounds like a natural progression from
Television (oft criticized as a thinly veiled Verlaine solo album)
regarding the vocal style, guitar tone, tempo, etc. Actually,
it could be the Television album. Tom Verlaine is TV which is
Television. Different players, same sound, same vision, I get
it now. I know who calls the shots.
Rating: I'm harder on poor Tom then I would be on anyone else.
As a Verlaine album compared to prior efforts B. As a Verlaine
album versus the world, an A plus is too low. You are not worthy
to floss with his broken guitar strings you hacks, which include
Arcade Fire, Strokes, White Stripes, Darkness, and all those other,
for only a moment, critical darlings.
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