From: eRacerX <>
CC: Micah <>
Subject: Re: (TV) OT: Kids doing King Crimson
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 14:00:44 -0400
---- Micah <> wrote:
> I couldn't do it. I got 3 minutes into it and had to close the browser.
The gimmicky nature of that whole "School of Rock" enterprise is lost on
me. Good on the kids putting in the time, exhibiting the necessary
discipline to get this music under their fingers - but, frankly it doesn't
rock and no one looks like they are enjoying themselves. That lack of
enthusiasm for the tune comes out in the music.
> M.
...but they do a pretty rousing version of 'Red'
I feel your comments are a little harsh, Micah.
As the father of teens (12 and 15) who play in the school orchestra and in
their own rock band, I can tell you that the kids who put in the effort are
enthusiastic, and the inability to make 'Crimson King's jump out of the
speakers is probably due to stage fright. Or perhaps it was the first song
first set, or no soundcheck - sound familiar?
How many of us had a band at 14? Not me.
The 'Rock School' may be a concept gleaned from the movie, and making some
bucks for some failed rocker somewhere, but IMHO playing rock is better
than 'pop classics' in public school. I know the kids dig it.
If you search for other Paul Green School video on YouTube, you'll some
interesting song choices:
Van Halen's Mean Streets
Some Crimson
Yngwie !
Hedwig soundtrack
Rocky Horror
Little Wing
555 - what's that?
Crazy Train
Deep River Blues
Not exactly 'first year' guitar stuff.
Rock on Kids!
- H.
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