On 8/4/05 12:39 PM, "Thomas Miller" <blackmonk@msn.com> wrote:
Interms of INFLUENCE, I think Television is more
important than The Ramones, but I am, admittedly,
I'd have to say that the influence is equally split, if you consider all
the kinds of bands that have acknowledged either band as an influence.
Sleater-Kinney has stated in interviews (and even a song) that both the
Ramones and Television are prominent influences on their music and
Much as I love Television, I don't think it's even close. The Ramones
much changed the way Rock is played. If you wander into a club at random,
there's a much greater chance that the band onstage will be influenced by
The Ramones than by Television. Add to that second-hand Ramones influence
through the Sex Pistols, and you've got a good case for them being the
influential band since The Beatles.
The Ramones were instrumental (no pun intended) in squashing the formula
arena rock that was saturating the mid-70s with bombastic theatrics.
However, I think their influence was more ideological than musical. Punk
music requires an audience to work. Has anybody on this list or in the
universe for that matter ever put on a Ramones LP and listen to it start