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Re: (TV) Television Split

> At 7:44 AM -0700 7/15/05, Brian Young wrote:
> >Speaking of W&C, how many of you who bought the original W&C will
> >buy the new version just to get the bonus tracks?
> I may take the plunge, what with all the out-of-tune stuff, missed
> notes, and whatever other flaws are in there.  

Don't forget, Tom also says it's "boring"!  

> In
> the pro- camp myself, although I don't have much use for "Ore" and
> "Lore."  The "Depot" series, however, is really quite high on my
> list.)

I don't dislike those Ore-tunes for my own purposes, but the bummer is
that the record is actually quite good for entertaining, fine kind of
romantic-dinner or mood music, up until those song come on, and at
that point most normal human beings just go "What the fuck are we
listening to and why?"  I really should create an edited version of it
for such situations.

I'm buying that bum-note detuned shit for sure, though.  I'd recommend
everyone follow suit... if they only sell three copies, Thrill Jockey
might rethink the whole deal (knowing Tom's luck with labels).

Can anyone name another artist who went so long between releases that
his most recent record got reissued on another label before he put out
another one?

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