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Re: (TV) tax dollars at work (police on my back)
In message <20040115031946.79792.qmail@web40004.mail.yahoo.com>, robin
dunn <rdunnrn@yahoo.com> writes
>Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., introduced a resolution that called it the
>"latest salvo in a string of decisions
>by the Federal Communications Commission that
>establishes a precedent regarding the use of
>universally recognized vulgar expletives on our nation's public
Like... "war", "freedom", "evil", "terrorist", "NRA", "Republican" for
>And Reps. Doug Ose, R-Calif., and Lamar Smith,
>R-Texas, proposed legislation that would ban five words and three
>phrases from the airwaves.
How about some legislation which states that some phrases _must_ be used
at least, oh, once an hour? Like "I have to play this but it sucks",
"Don't buy this crap", "Do your brain a favour and switch off now",
"Move along now, nothing to listen to here - go out and buy an album by
someone you've never heard of", "The global conglomerate that I work for
has asked that you believe everything you hear on this station", "And
now more talentless glossy crap interspersed with inane, inconsequential
drivel", "We have to play all this crud because the airwaves are ruled
by halfwits and rich religious lunatics" and "Remember, kids, a DJ is
NOT a musician!"
Oh, and, "And now here's thirty minutes of live Television"
"The Wonder - Tom Verlaine, Television & Stuff"
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