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Re: (TV) Reissues and Guitar Effects
Does anybody know what effects pedals (brands and
models) the band have used over the years? I am sure
that on Flashlight there is more than amp distortion,
reverb and tremolo at work during some of the tunes.
And Richard's records definitely have chorus and stuff
in some of the tunes.
In particular - fuzzboxes. Which do they use, or have
used (if any).
I just bought a Boss AW2 Auto Wah - you can set it to
act like an envelope filter and get that wow-sound
that is in No Glamour for Willie. It's ace. but
doesn't react well to distortion due to signal
compression. Kind of rubbish but it was only 20 quid.
No Glamour for Willie also has that vibrato sound - or
is it really fast tremolo?
Finally (got me started now) does anybody out there
have - or has played - a Boss Super Feedbacker? That
is a great toy. Feedback a high note, switch on a
phaser then medium speed square wave tremolo and
<woah> instant moog sounds on tap.
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