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RE: (TV) 1981 Rolling Stone Magazine TV Article-Interview / Bowie 's Eye(s)
As you know, I really don't care a whit about Tom Verlaine or his music.
Those two articles were just my ticket that allows me to now go briefly
off-topic on David Bowie.
Did anyone hear his very long interview with Terri Gross on National
Public Radio Wednesday?
T. Gross kept asking Bowie about his long buried Ziggy character and his
penchant for 'dressing up'/gender-blurring.
Bowie was a little exasperated that she kept wanting to focus solely
on this aspect of his oeuvre. He kept trying to remind her that Ziggy
was a relatively brief 18 months of his 35 year long music career.
He astutely claimed that in the media and especially America a person/artist
is forever doomed to be known/associated with the two or three simplest sound
bites that purport to define the person.
My favorite moment: Terri Gross----after hearing Bowie describe a teenage
schoolyard 'accident' that left him for all practical purposes blind in
one eye---asks him if his lack of vision has ever been a impediment to his
artistic aspirations. Bowie who seemed to regard the question with a
mixture of surprise and contempt, humbly answered: "No, I probably take in
more with my one eye than most people do with their two."
I've got to agree with him.
-----Original Message-----
From: Philip P. Obbard
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 10:11 AM
To: tv@obbard.com
Subject: Re: (TV) 1981 Rolling Stone Magazine TV Article-Interview /
McKenna Can Turn A Phrase
>Fascinating article. Makes me wanna listen to DREAMTIME right now!
>Thanks Leo.
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