50 quid in the west end the other day though it was the Record and tape exchange which as you know is usually vastly overpriced and staffed by heartless humourless aliens i think anyone who has this record is never gonna sell it - it's a stone cold classic
RayTrouble with the Record Collector book is that it tends to concentrate on British records...I could look out for articles on NY in old RC magazines I guess.......but as you say, I ain't going to sell it...well not until the fantastic CD version gets released(joke).
Have to agree with you about the Record and Tape places which I manage to get to quite often and some of the prices really are getting ridiculous. Mind you for anyone after incredibly rare Tom albums and 12" singles you can usually find copies there waiting for someone to buy them and sell them on Ebay for 50 bucks+!(To bring us back on topic a bit in case I get told off)
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