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RE: (TV) Patti release

Gregg wrote:

Maybe they left off Hey Joe because it begins with the Patty
Hearst monologue, and that stuff is still being tried. Maybe she
was included in the gag order in the first Sara Jane Olson trial.
Presently, the former SLA members are being tried for murder in a
1975 bank robbery and the defense is trying anything to get them
off, including discrediting Patty Hearst. Also, Patti assumed
Patty was a willing participant in the terror group and not a
brainwashed victim.

This seems wildly implausible; any such suppression would be a radical infringement on freedom of speech, even in these Bush-y days. Just possibly there could be some concern over libel action on Patty Hearst's part, but so much of what happened to her places her, even if unwittingly, in the "public figure" domain, where artistic expression is given a pretty wide berth in libel law. More likely it has to do with recording-biz details we aren't privy to. Rhino has not always been able to obtain the needed permissions for previously recorded material it would like to re-release, though I don't know if it's possible for that to apply to "Hey Joe," over which Patti herself _should_ presumably have some control (though we all know how byzantine music copyrights can be...).

Or perhaps Patti herself now regrets suggesting that Patty took part willingly?

When she was still at large, public opinion
seemed to be split: half thought she was a spoiled rich girl
rebelling against her parents, a symbol of all that was wrong with
the kids of today; then there was the student radical faction who
idolized her (or 'Tania') as a beautiful blonde machine gun toting
rebel. At the time no one was aware that she was locked, bound and
gagged in a closet for months thinking she was going to be killed.
The SLA wrote communiquis that they made her read saying she was
all for their cause.

Maybe I'm using 20-20 hindsight, but I sure seem to recall that another half of us were open to the possibility that she was being forced to participate.

- Jesse
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