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RE: (TV) On and off topic
Splendid! this has made my day.
(who has been listening to Bert Jansch almost exclusively for the last
couple of months)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tv-owner@obbard.com [mailto:tv-owner@obbard.com]On Behalf Of
> Maurice Rickard
> Sent: 06 December 2001 14:58
> To: tv@obbard.com
> Subject: Re: (TV) On and off topic
> At 10:31 PM -0800 12/5/01, Michael Olcsvary wrote:
> >Off topic: Why do all the electric guitars on the radio drone in the
> >background like electric razors?
> The goal is probably an aggressive noise/crunch kind of thing
> (depending on the genre--which one did you have in mind?). It's hard
> to get vocals through that, however, so you put the hypercompressed
> vocal up front ("'Cause that's the way the Beatles did it,
> maaaaan..."), and squash every last dynamic out of the 2-mix so it's
> "radio friendly," thereby reducing your already compressed (from the
> distortion) guitars into background hum. Remember: if you vary
> dynamics at all for even a fraction of a second, or if you in any way
> fail to shove your song down the listener's ears as hard as
> everything else on the radio, the listener will get distracted. Then
> they'll start channel surfing, forget to listen to the back
> announcements and the ads, and not buy stuff (your record among
> them), and then the terrorists will already have won.
> Fortunately, to prevent all that, most radio stations hypercompress
> everything anyway, but it's better if you compress it too, just to be
> sure.
> HTH,
> Maurice
> --
> Maurice Rickard
> http://mauricerickard.com/
> --------------
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