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Re: (TV) coming from matador....
hmmm....you've certainly compiled a beautiful reissue
blueprint...you oughta be in charge of the project!
i've got no arguments with any of the possibilities
you mention in the message board quote...i can't
believe somebody somewhere doesn't believe they could
more than recoup whatever licensing fees, remastering
costs any recombinations of the lost tracks might
incur...has hell himself spoken up bout the matador
product? i don't see mention of it at the hell
--- "Philip P. Obbard" <pobbard@yahoo.com> wrote:
> That's possible, but it still doesn't explain why
> the "Blank Generation"
> Heartbreakers demo would be released elsewhere and
> not included here.
> Moreover, it also doesn't excuse the rip-off of
> repackaging RIP with the new
> live disc.
> The Hell reissue that still *needs* to happen is
> like this:
> --Philip
> --- eric gregory <crackcity_2000@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > i agree with most of what you say here, philip,
> but i
> > also believe hell had a hand in this project (at
> least
> > according to interviews earlier this yr, wherein
> he
> > mentioned trying to put together a retrospective
> comp)
> > & that may mean HE doesn't want the other work
> > released...
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