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Re: (TV) re: Top 20 / Overrated
extra hmmm....i find myself only able to listen to
"wild honey" & "smile" (or whatever the official
release was called)...at one time, i found delight in
"pet sounds", but after hearing it a gazillion times &
hearing the blathering of "ps" obsessives, i can
hardly stand it...
i prefer brian when he's drug-addled (good drugs, not
the prescribed shit he's on these days) & goofy...
--- "Philip P. Obbard" <pobbard@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hmmm, interesting and fair choice. I think a lot of
> this is critical rebound;
> for years, the concensus was that PET SOUNDS was
> great, but the rest of the
> catalog (both before and especially after) was
> lightweight or just clumsy.
> Once PET SOUNDS got reissued on CD in 1990, and
> serious critical raves started
> to come in, critics seemed to compensate for years
> of Beach Boy-bashing by
> calling things like SURF'S UP and LOVE YOU and
> HOLLAND "lost classics".
> While these may be lost classics for afficionados in
> the same way ALCHEMY is
> for us, the (admittedly subjective) truth is more
> likely that very little the
> Beach Boys/Brian Wilson did, outside of PET SOUNDS,
> about a dozen singles, and
> parts of a few other LPs (probably TODAY, SUNFLOWER,
> hold up. Like Elvis Presley or some of the other
> artists mentioned on this
> list, there is a LOT of filler in the Beach Boys
> catalog, and more than once
> I've wondered if Brian Wilson only had two or three
> musical ideas in his life
> (granted, they were very good ones).
> --Philip, who freely admits that his #1 guilty
> pleasure record is Brian
> Wilson's 1988 solo debut
> --- "Forster, Michael H."
> <michael.forster@unisys.com> wrote:
> > Overrated:
> >
> > The Beach Boys
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