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Re: (TV) Richard Lloyd Band interviews online
On the link below, you write: "Next up is an interview with Bibi Farber - No
relation to Audrey (Nancy) Farber... "
No, but she is related to the vastly more controversial Celia Farber, who
writes articles about... well, I can't explain it with any proficiency, so I'll
just provide a link instead: http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/index/cfarber.htm
--Philip, waiting this one out on the grassy knoll
--- Joe Hartley <jh@brainiac.com> wrote:
> The interview with the Richard Lloyd Band that the Eargazm folks
> did a few months ago has finally made it up to the web. Check out
> http://www.eargazm.com/rlloyd.html for streaming and downloadable
> versions. Feedback can be sent to feedback@eargazm.com
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