>>- --- DAYKARAK@aol.com wrote:
>>This is even
>> *more* true in the case of,
>> say, The Velvet Underground just because of the now
>> classic line about how
>> "few people bought it, but everyone who bought the
>> first VU record started a
>> band". No doubt you've heard PLENTY of morons trying
>> to talk about music and
>> landing on something like that; I've also found that
>> another favorite phrase
>> among these people happens to be "corporate
>> America". ;) Anyway, despite all
>> this, that doesn't make the VU suddenly "bad" just
>> because some shallow
>> idiots who want to appear to be smart pretend to dig
>> them, does it?
>as for all this, just a quick scenario i witnessed not
>too long ago...
>rush hour traffic in the heart of downtown portland-
>as i'm crossing burnside ave., i hear "sister ray"
>exploding & i turn to see some youngish goateed suit
>in an ostentatious suv pumping the volume (& fighting
>the power too, i guess)....
>whatta miraculous vision it was...instant satori-like.