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(TV) No to Raymond's Q / Mr. Natural versus Byron / Cicely Alaska / C offee / Blanket Apology
I have to confess that I have this overpowering urge to refer to you
as Ray Man, or even The Ray Man, but I know there's another List
member who I think goes by the moniker, Ray-o-man. Maybe I
could call you Ray-o-vac, or Ray, or Mr. Gorman?
The answer to your previous e-mail's question is a simple: No!
No amphetamines; although being a big Jack Kerouac fan I've
often wondered what it must have been like to stay up for days
on-end 'speeding along' while writing "On the Road" with a
special typewriter that had been outfitted with a large roll of
continuous paper that allowed Kerouac to avoid having to pause
in his writing for even for a minute to put in a fresh sheet of
typewriting paper. (But then what was it Truman Capote said
about Kerouac: "That's not writing, that's typing."
As I said once before on the list, I'm closer to being the cartoon,
"Mr. Natural", in what I ingest or allow into my body. Although
to Byron, in my youth I was "...studious by day, dissolute by night."
I guess the best way I could explain my physical and mental
state right now is that it similar to what one of the characters in
an old episode of the 1990s tv show, "Northern Exposure" experienced.
I can't remember the character's name but he was a semi-regular
member of the show; an old geezer in his late 70s who finally went to
Dr. Joel Fleichmann's[sp.?] office complaining about the dreary and
seemingly never-ending Alaskan winter-----with its sometimes
week upon week of just night. Dr. Fleissman thinks the old codger
might have a bad case of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and so gives
him a special hat that he is supposed to wear for about an hour, twice
per day. The hat looks much like a miner's helmet, and via batteries it
shines a bright light partially into the old guys eyes continuously
whenever he wears it.
The old man begins to feel so much better that he decides to disregard
Dr. Fleischmann's warning and starts to wear the hat 24 hours per day.
The old geezer's improved demeanor soon gives way to a euphoric state
during which he stays up all night reading books, balancing his
checkbook, vacuuming his cabin, working on his truck, writing letters to
friends with whom he has not communicated in years, etc., etc.
Finally, after getting into an accident with his truck on the main street of
town, three his friends become so alarmed they decide its necessary to
carry out an "intervention" (like in AA[?]). So they and knock on the door
of the old man's cabin and demand that he take off the special hat and
let them have custody of it, and, of course, he is quite reluctant because
he feels so terrific, but he finally gives in to their demands.
Raymond, did I ever answer your question?
Seriously now, my healthy is fine. I've never felt better, in fact, I've never felt
this good in my entire life (except for that TV concert in NYC at the Ritz on
June 4th, 1982, or the time in 1979 when my girlfriend ZZZ and I ... no I better
not discuss that encounter). Wow, with the exception of the TV Ritz show I'm
beginning to sound just like that old codger from "Northern Exposure."
I don't have SAD or a miner's hat, but I've been working very hard at my job-----
maybe too hard, except for when I've been writing these little posts to the MM
List . Actually, you might be relieved to know that in addition to my work I've been
drinking a lot of coffee, and sometimes staying up quite late, like last night. So I
may have experienced a little bit of the "high" that sometimes accompanies
sleep-deprivation. Given my recent efficiency and the prodigious amounts of
silly government work I have now finished, I am able to take the rest of today off
from my job and go with brother and niece to the zoo (no jokes please) in Providence,
RI, and my posts to the MM List will temporarily cease and desist until Monday
or Tuesday. [ I realize that there is a non negligible probability that some on the List
may wish my silence could be longer.]
All kidding aside, I just want to say that several of my posts to the List
over the past week were meant to be humorous or harmless satire.
Although I have very strong feelings about Television's and Velaine's music,
I have tried to go out of my way in not always being deadly serious about it, but to
poke fun at my own obsessiveness. If I have recently offended anyone (then that's
tough! (just kidding), or if I have written anything in poor taste----the Squeeze
complaints/disagreements are now dribbling in------than I'm sorry and I apologize.
-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond [mailto:ray@wavewalker.freeserve.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 5:49 AM
To: tv@obbard.com
Subject: Re: (TV) Surviving a Musical Gulag or More than You'd Ever Want
to Know About Squeeze & Glenn Tilbrook / "Tough" / D. Poe, E.A. Poe, &
A. Poe
did someone spike you with some amphetamines that night Leo?? :-^
----- Original Message -----
From: Casey, Leo J <CaseyL@VOLPE.DOT.GOV>
> > Howard wrote: ps, what's wrong with Squeeze?
> > they wrote some great songs!
> Howard,
> I only put Squeeze's name in my screenplay to see if anybody
> actual reads anything that I post to the MM List.
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