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Re: (TV) seattle. late and falling far short of the mark
Back to the boots...
/me cues up "American Music Hall, 19992"
Hey, Santadog! I got another Mid-70's Miles Davis, if
your interested.
Let's me be of the knowing?
k thx bye.
--- caryn <clr@drizzle.com> wrote:
> i jetted off down to san diego first thing friday
> morning (off to see some
> pete townshend solo shows) so i didn't have a chance
> to throw any thoughts
> together. it was quite the few days for music.
> i, too, was not a fan of mr joel rl phelps. he
> always seems to be matched
> up with bands i REALLY REALLY want to see and
> therefore is somewhat
> anticlimactic. his presence on this bill was no
> exception. it reminded
> me of that scene in 'high fidelity' where they're
> playing belle and
> sebastian and jack black bursts in and puts on
> "walking on sunshine". in
> that analogy i would be the jack black wanna be.
> but i get ahead of myself.
> my expectations were pretty much met by the fact
> that i was holding a
> ticket with the word "Television" on it. i was
> ridiculously excited. i
> managed to get to work from home in the afternoon so
> i could get to the
> emp fairly early. i was there by 5:45. i was first
> one in line. i
> walked in and stood front and center at the barrier.
> i didn't care how
> dorky that made me. i had waited too long for this.
> i've been to a lot of reunion type shows lately.
> either they're
> perfunctory and somewhat salubrious or there is a
> recreation of that
> something other that made the effort worthy of
> reunion in the first place.
> i'm happy if i can get moments in those shows that
> recapture that. some
> of pete townshend's solos on the last who tour would
> do that for me. (i'm
> sorry. i make no apologies for my who fandom. it's
> encoded into my dna.)
> the soft boys reunion was also extremely joyful for
> that type of presence.
> based on all the comments i'd read here, i was
> unsure of what i'd see on
> the stage last thursday. i'm happy to report that
> that something other is
> still there, and the best thing is, i'm now smart
> enough to comprehend it.
> i didn't know if they could really still take us to
> that place that i
> remembered, that place of the undefinable sense of
> greatness that words
> can't quite articulate.
> i'm not saying that they were 100% on or it was the
> best show i've ever
> seen in my life. but it was not a perfunctory
> reunion, these guys aren't
> finished saying what they have to say, and i'm glad
> i berated my 21 year
> old music history protege to get his ass down to
> this show. (although his
> comment after the show was "a little self-indulgent"
> "peter, these guys
> invented self-indulgent").
> little johnny jewel was the song that struck me most
> by surprise, mostly
> because - can i say this - it was like i'd
> *forgotten* about it? fuck!
> this song! this was the song that did it, that song
> that i bought on a
> thursday afternoon i'd played hooky from high school
> and bribed geraldine
> and laura to take me down to the train and pick me
> up later and tell my
> mom i was at their house if she called. i snuck
> into bleeker bob's and
> bought it & felt like i was buying a porno mag or
> something (well, not
> that i have that experience to identify with, but i
> absolutely felt like i
> was buying something illicit and *dangerous*). i
> was glad tom had
> technical difficulties because it allowed them to Be
> Television in a
> spontaneous sense for that small space of time.
> the crowd was the most well-behaved and appropriate
> that i have seen since
> the midnight elvis costello and the attractions show
> at bumbershoot in
> 1996. it was quiet and reverential and i really
> think it was that way
> because the people here really didn't know what to
> expect and were kind of
> blown away by what they did get. aside from the
> obligatory dumb guys
> yelling.
> the biggest feeling i got from this show was -
> honestly - oh my god, i'm
> so glad these guys did this, because i was too young
> to really appreciate
> this back then. i stood there making this
> connection to the 37 year old i
> am now to the 14 year old i was then, the kid
> wearing fishnet stockings
> and my mom's miniskirt and a pair of converse
> allstars and a who tshirt,
> with a fake id that said i was 34. but i must have
> learned something from
> it, so it wasn't a total waste for me to be there
> back then.
> i concur on the appraisals of "psychotic reaction".
> my other big "moment"
> was standing transfixed as i watched richard's hands
> on the fretboard
> during "marquee moon" - i can't believe i'm really
> watching this - i could
> have been happy with that one song, and gone home.
> i'm still kind of surprised by how emotional the
> whole evening made me.
> and i hope that i get to repeat the experience at
> the UCLA ATP in october.
> other notes:
> loved seeing kurt bloch as roadie. he was just
> grinning all night.
> the vox amps were rented from the local SIR.
> michael, absolutely charmed to have met you. it was
> nice to have another
> east coaster in the vicinity, wouldn't have been the
> same otherwise.
> where the hell were the rest of you :)
> i was really surprised at the diehards down front.
> there were at least a
> dozen people who had CLEARLY seen TV before and were
> just as clearly not
> seattle natives. this one woman could not contain
> herself during a
> discussion of how mayor schell thinks one of his
> enduring legacies is the
> fact that he synchronized some of the traffic lights
> in downtown seattle.
> gimme a break. </rant>
> finally, maurice - the web site's not workin' and i
> wanna see those
> pictures!!
> --caryn
> --------------
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