From: "Casey, Leo J" <CaseyL@VOLPE.DOT.GOV>
To: "''" <>
Subject: (TV) Exact Time Difference between Camber & USA East Coast?
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:16:47 -0400
Anyone on MMlist "in the know":
For all of us in US across the pond, does anyone know what time the first
band (namely Television) begins playing on Sunday?
Please give your times in either Greenwich Mean Standard or Eastern
Standard Time (EST) to avoid massive confusion in trying to listen to web
cam of Television from PCs in USA.
Last but not least , given that the USA just switched back to Daylight
Savings time April 1, how many hours is Camber Sands, England ahead of
NYC/Boston (i.e.., how many hours ahead of EST Daylight Savings)? Is the
difference still 5 hours?
I'd hate for anyone on list to miss the Television web cast because of
confusion about what time it will begin.
Your Timekeeper,
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