hey, i am a soft boys fan....& i've given maybe half the solo stuff a shot
(& as "prolific" as he is, that's really saying something).
but going back, i'm realizing that it was the way the soft boys rocked &
rolled that appealed.
hitchcock seemed to write to the drive as well, esp. on "underwater
moonlight" ("i wanna destroy you", "insanely jealous")
what ultimately boggles is that this guy's held in high esteem as a
SONGWRITER (????) by many many people with a modicum of cranial power.
i mean, i'm not too keen on hierarchization & if you happen to think gordon
lightfoot's as good as or better a songwriter as bob dylan, i'd defend yr
choice even if i didn't necessarily agree.
but for some reason, i find it bothersome when people push hitchcock as
some great scribe...
he's a bit of a fraud, isn't he?